Subway Clash 2



These are hard times. A religious sect known as "Witnesses of the Illyich" operates on the territory of the old depot in Moscow city. Led by the notorious fanatic Bonch-Bruyevich, their goal is to carry out radiation attack on Moscow and overthrow the constitutional order. As the GRU Special Forces commander, you were given task to clear these deadly dungeons once and for all and eliminate all unwanted criminal elements. Stand your pride soldier and lead your team forward, picking up new weapons along the way. Old Metro has many nooks and passages, some of them conceal hiding places and other surprises.

Key Features
Smooth 3d graphics
Mobile shooter
A lot of custom weapons
Any width/height you like
Quick loading


WASD - movement
SPACE - jump
C - crouch
RMB - aim
G - throw grenade
1, 2, 3, 4 - switch weapons
TAB - score table
L - exit mouse lock mode

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