3 yrs ·Youtube

The honeymoon had to come to an end...

"The more we see of Joe Biden, the more we realize how unqualified he is to be the American President. That’s probably why his handlers work so hard to keep him out of sight and have limited the media’s questions.
But, despite their best efforts, Joe always opens his mouth and reveals his true colors. And they are far from pretty.
During a press conference with the Indian prime minister, Joe made a comment to the Indian media. Just before American reporters came into the room, he actually talked about them behind their backs. And this is what he said about them.
Far be it from us to defend most of our media. We know that the mainstream media is largely liberal, with a bias that influences plenty of their coverage. But should a president be bad-mouthing his own people, in front of the foreign press?
This man is supposed to be representing our country before the world. Yet he can’t help himself when he insults the very people who worked with him day in and day out. What’s even more outrageous is the fact that he is bad-mouthing the liberal media."
