It's become quite clear that someone is behind the curtain!!
"President Joe Biden’s declining health is no secret. In fact, it’s quite possible that every single person in the world knows that the president of the United States suffers from a declining mental situation. Sure, there are probably backwater people who don’t know, but for the most part, the whole world knows it, and it puts the country in a troubling position.
But just how sick is he? That’s the question on the minds of many Americans. After all, he does a lot more jogging than the average 70-something. Sure, he trips from time to time, his dogs cause him to twist his ankle, but he’s skinnier than former President Donald Trump, so that must spell health, right?
Well, the reality is that the addresses given by the current president paint a devastating picture for not only his current administration but also the future of negotiations and strategy situations. Also, the other members of the world superpower club are going to see this as a sign of weakness and a possible blindspot for them to take advantage of.
Yes, a mentally deficient president is bad, but what’s worse is he’s being used as a pawn by someone that the American people would never accept as their leader. The evidence is piling up that the administration doesn’t really run on Joe Biden’s word.
If Biden really is as deficient as many fear, there is a power vacuum, and human nature dictates that someone will take advantage of that. Power is attractive, and there’s no group of people more interested than politicians.
There is a lot about the Democratic party that concerns conservatives. The anti-police, anti-military, anti-capitalism, and anti-unborn party is big on restricting anything that allows for freedom of thought and not so big on restricting the degradation of traditional American values. It’s a bad situation, and it’s a party that President Joe Biden leads. But, the situation that is worse is that there may be people in charge of the party we know nothing about.
If the president is just the puppet, who is the puppet master? At this point, it seems very unlikely that Biden is in charge of himself. Evil may have a face, but it’s likely that we either haven’t seen it or didn’t know what we were looking at."