I caught the dangerous virus. I'm 51 yo., high BP and have chronic asthma. My 74 yo mother also caught the virus. She survived it much better than I have because other that high blood pressure she's generally healthy. She's over it now. I'm still dealing with chest congestion. Urgent care sent me to the hospital yesterday in fear I may have covid pneumonia. That's the danger of this virus. Not the virus itself but the pneumonia you can get from the virus. Doctors don't send you home with medication. They tell you to treat the symptoms. Thankfully I do not have covid pneumonia. Due to my history of asthma they prescribed me steroids. I think that will be my saving grace. I was infected for 9 days before seeking medical attention. I made my mom seek medical attention as soon as she started showing symptoms simply because of her age and I feared it was covid. When her test came back positive then I knew that's what I have. This is no where near the worst flu I've ever had. I was actually admitted into the hospital in April 2019 because of the flu and I couldn't breath. Given the history of this virus I didn't play around. As soon as this virus really started to settle into my lungs I sought medical attention. THAT IS KEY!!! If you get the virus and it settles into your lungs, seek medical attention right away. Do not wait. Had I of waited to seek medical attention when I started having issues breathing, my outcome would have been completely different and I wouldn't be able to make this post. Be vigilant so you will survive. Good luck. Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay vigilant. Stay healthy.