What's disgusting is Don Lemon! A man just died, dirtbag. But you couldn't wait to rush on the air and use it as a reason to attack your rival, Fox News. Although truthfully. you are no rival to them as you can't even draw in half of the # of viewers they get compared to your lone voice in the ether! I hope there really not alien life forms because they may be the only ones hearing your show and you are a poor excuse for an example of a normal human.

"Seriously?” he wondered after one clip. “A man just died and this guy can't wait to make it into a fight about vaccine mandates? It is disgraceful.”



Don Lemon chastises Fox News anchors for how quickly they politicized Colin Powell's death: 'It is disgraceful' [Video]

Lemon showed multiple examples of Fox News anchors quickly turning the news of Powell’s passing into a discussion about vaccines. "Shame on them."