"... DERRICK VAN ORDEN: I did two tours in Afghanistan in 2003 and 2009, and, unfortunately, the Biden administration is redefining the word incompetence. You've got Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin. They need to tender their resignations right now. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley, he needs to go peel potatoes in the galley for about a month and then resign also. These folks' primary duty is to advise the president of the United States on diplomatic and military matters and they've abjectly failed that. The national security architecture of the United States of America is clearly broken right now. "

#biden #afghanistan #taliban #politics #news #epicfail

Retired Navy SEAL calls for resignations of top Biden admin officials: 'They've abjectly failed' | Fox News

Retired Navy SEAL calls for resignations of top Biden admin officials: 'They've abjectly failed' | Fox News

Top Biden officials are facing backlash after the administration's announcement to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by September 11 opened a path for the Taliban to take control of the country. Derrick Van Orden called on Biden's t