This goes to show you that the Demoncrats have no morals, no practical use for the truth, no love of freedom and America!!!!!

"Andrew Cuomo is New York’s murder man. When He was governor of the state, he purposely sent COVID patients into nursing homes, which led to thousands of deaths. He tried to cover it up and was caught in the act.
Cuomo is also New York’s apex sexual predator. The volume of women that he hit on and abused is staggering. Those acts of violence against women were the catalyst to him losing his beloved award and losing his position of power.
And yet will all that criminal behavior, there are those Democrats that believe him to be a saint. Jay Jacobs leads the New York Democratic Party, and he is now on record claiming that Andrew Cuomo is still a “productive” and “positive” person in the liberal party."

Democrats Loyal to the End as One Admits Cuomo Is a Positive Force for Liberalism | News Sloth

Democrats Loyal to the End as One Admits Cuomo Is a Positive Force for Liberalism | News Sloth