Mike Pence's fake 'pro-life' opposition to RFK
It gives me zero pleasure to call out professing Christians, but prominent figures who use the name of Christ to advance morally dubious political agendas should be held accountable.
This week it's former Vice President Mike Pence.
So let's do the math here. Pence takes money from Big Pharma and formulates a nonsensical argument that pro-lifers need to fight RFK's nomination.
Pence appears to have joined the club of those who consort with Big Pharma to the detriment of all the rest of us. Dr. Francis Collins was a charter member of that club, as I detailed in "A Sunday kind of faith," but now Pence appears to be following suit.
As Rav Arora reports in detail here, a Pence-founded advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom, announced this past week a six-figure ad campaign to fight RFK's confirmation as secretary of health and human services.
Follow the money
First, let's talk about those six figures. Who, exactly, is donating to keep RFK out of Trump's Cabinet?
Well, at least $100K came from G.D. Searle, now affiliated with ... any guesses? If you guessed Pfizer, ding ding ding! You're a winner!
But as Arora further reports, it gets muckier. Pence's former chief of staff, one Marc Short, has been linked to ethical questions due to his ownership of Big Pharma stock while he was in a position, during COVID, to influence federal response.
And now, as chairman of the board of Pence's advocacy group, Short is raising "ethical" questions about RFK, as well as repeating easily rebutted lies about RFK's involvement in certain vaccine controversies — again as Arora details.
Speaking of easily rebutted lies about RFK, another story the mainstream media is pushing hard right now is that 17,000 doctors have signed a letter demanding that RFK not be confirmed. But the media hasn’t reported the fact that anyone could — and did — sign that letter, as Jenna McCarthy hilariously reports here. Spoiler: It appears Bill Gates is behind the doctor letter effort. Color us all shocked.
But I digress.
What is most bothersome to me in all this is the approach Pence is taking to this effort, as he seeks to influence Christian conservatives in regard to this nomination.
Last week he published an op-ed in the Washington Times entitled, "There's work left to do in the pro-life movement" — and yes, there probably is. But what was the action step he wants us to take, exactly? What was the punch line of his article?
"We urge others in the pro-life community to join us in calling on members of the Senate to reject RFK Jr. and give President Trump a second chance to appoint a pro-life secretary who will defend the cause of life and ensure that HHS continually makes choices that guide our country towards life."
Wait — what?
How exactly would a pro-life HHS secretary help the pro-life movement? Since the abortion issue is currently being worked out primarily at the state level, HHS doesn't have too much to do with it.
But you know what the HHS secretary can address? What he can actually help make right? You know the answer already.
We need an HHS secretary who is pro-all-of-our-lives. Pro-health-for-everyone. Someone who will stand against the death merchants of Big Pharma.
Vaccine malpractice
We all need to work together to undo the medical malpractice pushed on all of us — malpractice that has been especially damaging to the young people who took the vax, like the countless young men now suffering heart problems. Or consider the huge upsurge in young people diagnosed with turbo cancers. How many of us know a younger person who's been struck by something like this? Are any of these victims not vaccinated? Well, none that I've encountered.
And just this month, a researcher found evidence of the vaccine in cancer tumors, which is ominous news indeed. Big Pharma rushed to cash in on COVID, and the companies don't want anyone stopping them from future profits. RFK is potentially in their way.
So let's do the math here. Pence takes money from Big Pharma and formulates a nonsensical argument that pro-lifers need to fight RFK's nomination. That sleight of hand is not a good look for a professing believer.
Because stopping RFK has nothing to do with stopping abortion. It won't save one unborn baby. But his confirmation could well save many born babies — from vaccines that will kill them. Because make no mistake, even as you read this, there are parents in this country mourning the loss of a young child to the COVID (or other) vaccines.
Side note: I challenge you to read this and not come away supportive of RFK's stated desire to clean up the vaccine mess, requiring proper safety evaluations before they are used on our children.
So. Pretending that pro-lifers have a duty to work against RFK on this is misleading at best. I call it willfully uninformed, for someone of Pence's stature, as well as unethical and unbecoming of a Christian. His disingenuous attempt to co-opt pro-lifers to fight for something that is anti-life can certainly be considered a black eye to the cause of Christ.
Interestingly, his op-ed ends with this: Mike Pence is a husband, father, grandfather, Christian, conservative and Republican — in that order.
You should rethink that order, Mr. Pence, as you should rethink your partnership with a corrupt industry responsible for much human suffering.
And if you agree, please take a few moments to let your senators know that we voted for Trump and RFK as a package deal and we expect him to be confirmed, or they can expect to be primaried. This is especially important for all Republican senators, many of whom have taken far too much money from Pharma.
We must stop this now. And here’s an easy way to do it that will take less than a minute. Click here and help end this madness.