Conservative who is concerned about Our Nation. Previous Army Aviator, but still fly Test combat sims for The Largest Combat Simulator in the World (DCS). Banned from most social media, and am waiting for the next level in Free Speech! Don\\t tread on me...I\m old, and the death penalty doesn\t mean shit! I hope this site does well...It seems promising at the moment, but it may be a means for the Homeland Security people to keep watch over Us Domestic Terrorists... Be Careful what you say, with regards to what you\d like to do, as opposed to what you would do... Seems like good people so far... We need President Trump to join us...And all of his People!!! I pray for them all everyday! Please consider doing the same... Lots of hard times ahead...We must cling together!!! We kicked the shit out of the assholes before, we will do it again! Sad that we need civil war in order to keep our nation free. Strange fruit will grow in our nation\s trees again... God Bless
Joe Brandon wants to increase IRS agents by 80,000... How about increasing U.S. Border Patrol Agents by 80,000... How about we prosecute illegal aliens before we start surveiling U.S. Citizens!!!