Blue Lives Matter

2021 saw the most police officers shot and killed in US history, according to Fraternal Order of Police

2021 saw the most police officers shot and killed in US history, according to Fraternal Order of Police - TheBlaze

2021 saw the most police officers shot and killed in US history, according to Fraternal Order of Police - TheBlaze

2021 saw the most police officers shot and killed in US history, according to Fraternal Order of Police

FBI Director Wray mourns police officers killed in the line of duty, vows action: 'Enough is enough'

FBI Director Wray mourns police officers killed in the line of duty, vows action: 'Enough is enough' | Fox News

FBI Director Wray mourns police officers killed in the line of duty, vows action: 'Enough is enough' | Fox News

It is police week and instead of celebrating, FBI Director Christopher Wray is mourning a growing number of officers killed in the line of duty.


One final sacrifice: Deputy’s organs to be donated after dying from being beaten by suspect

Deputy’s organs to be donated after dying from suspect beating

Deputy’s organs to be donated after dying from suspect beating

The MCSO deputy who was reportedly beaten by a suspect earlier in October has died from his injuries. The fallen deputy's organs are being donated.

Christian Davis : He Bleeds Blue

In honor of all of our Blue Heroes out there who hold that thin blue line and to those we have lost in the line of duty. GOD BLESS YOU!
