What the hell ever happened to people speaking what they mean/what the truth is? If I say that I cut the tip of my finger off, then the tip of my finger is severed from the rest of the finger, not just cut deeply. If I say my windshield was busted out, then my broken windshield makes my car undriveable until it is replaced. It is not merely cracked from a thrown rock. Was I raised as a spoiled child because the adults around me spoke words that were NOT misleading? Words that if you went to see what they were talking about, there was no question of the facts-- that you could see that what they said was EXACTLY what was? Did your tire blow out, or is it simply flat and easily fixed? Rant over, but I despise what I consider a liar, or at best an exaggerator. Telling the truth is as easy as lying, being intentionally deceptive, or speaking in a way that folks end up having to decipher to get to the truth.