I'm willing to say that I bet the real # is closer to 75% to 80%!!!!!!

"If you were to believe the liberal media, you’d think Nancy Pelosi was a brilliant leader. But that is far from what we’ve seen over the years. When Trump was president, she refused to even negotiate. She even obstructed needed relief during the crisis of 2020.
These days, she bows to the radical left and ignores concerns from moderates. She bullies and threatens members of the House. And, worst of all, she ignores the issues facing most Americans. So, we should not be surprised one bit over this latest approval poll.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the best-known leader of Congress and also the least popular, with more voters now rating her unfavorably than at any time since. Her Republican counterpart, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has better ratings, but is much less well-known to voters.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 35% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable view of Pelosi, while 60% regard her unfavorably."


Voters Drop The Gavel On Nancy Pelosi - The Speaker's Approval Rating Gets Sent To A Record Low

Voters Drop The Gavel On Nancy Pelosi - The Speaker's Approval Rating Gets Sent To A Record Low

Nancy's never been in this situation before.