This would be sweet...but he spent enough $$ investigating Trump. We don't need to spend more on him. Besides, he's too old and too connected to do any time.

"The case before the court is a bit interesting. It involves a lawsuit brought by three Muslim men against the Director of the FBI and the FISA court. By the way, the FBI Director named in the suit is Robert Mueller. If the court rules in favor of the three men, Mueller will be investigated for FISA abuse. What sweet irony."

Trump Wins Again! SCOTUS Agrees To Hear Bombshell Case - The Beltway Report

Trump Wins Again! SCOTUS Agrees To Hear Bombshell Case - The Beltway Report

This is a most interesting case. Is the FISA court all-powerful or are they eligible for judicial review? This became an issue after the 2016 election when it was discovered that the FISA court-approved FISA surveillance against Carter Page three tim