from pastor perry stone
BAKERY OUT OF SUGAR AND FLOUR! I received a strange report of a bakery, that in 22 years has never experienced a shortage, that of course uses a LOT of sugar and flour that is now running out of both - and because of supply chain disruptions, cannot get any more at the moment and perhaps not any for the remaining several weeks or months.
WALMART - Pam went shopping at a regional Sam's Super Walmart and was very shocked to see so many people with their carts loaded and overflowing with products. The cashier told her people were coming in by the droves and filling their carts because of the news that more shortage were coming. You may eventually see some local stores, be removing their carts and allowing you to buy only what you can carry to the counter.
AS IF THIS WERE NOT ENOUGH - I have farmer friends getting letters offering them money if they do NOT FARM the land! I think my theme for this dumb idea would be, "Save the planet and starve the people!"
Eventually, (likely months into next year) the port and shipping container delays will be solved and truckers will unload the goods, but the build up and delays will continue this year and into next year. I have a friend who owns one of America's biggest trucking companies, and the solution to this problem is more complicated than the elitist leadership is making known.
Despite this premeditated mess, God is preparing a great outpouring of His Spirit. Don't forget that I will be coming to Williamson, West, Virginia, to the Field house next Saturday night, all day Sunday and Monday night (Oct. 23-25). Pam will be with me and we are going to see a powerful move of God. I need all of our friends in West Virginia to help me get the word out! Plan on attending the water baptism service at the O.C.I pool, on October 31st, I believe it is at 2 in the afternoon! New videos are coming out on YouTube this next week. Be sure and order the Prophetic Summit DVD'S or CD'S. You will learn a lot of new insight!