The Demoncrats are fighting alright...but they are only making themselves and their ideas look pathetic!!!
"They may claim that they are fighting for Biden, but in the end, they are looking out for their selfish interests. Ilhan Omar cannot imagine why her party is fighting themselves. But in the end, she has her selfish desires and needs everyone to get along to see them passed. She could care less about what is happening as long as her schedule passes.
The Democratic Party is its own worst enemy. A divided house will never stand. As long as they are selfish, they will never unite and move their agenda forward. A divided Democratic Party is precisely what America needs right now. The fighting is just reminding all voters that the Republicans genuinely look out for the people’s interests.
Every “civil war” has casualties. There will be dozens of Democrats that will lose their position of power in 2022. They are feeling the life drain out of their campaigns one day at a time, and it scares them"