The Constitution is, in all fact, a contract between the individual States and the Federal Government. The Federal government is only granted the powers very specifically given to it BY the Constitution, and all else is passed directly to the states per the 10th amendment. The Constitution, section IV article 4, states that the Federal Goverment *SHALL* protect the States from invasion. Not may, not should, not could, but *SHALL*. In their failure to do so they are breaching that contract, and, indeed, Article 1 Section 10 expressly guarantees states the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend their citizenry. So, nobody is taking the law into their own hands, nor is it a matter for elections or courts. It a Constitutionally guaranteed right of sovereignty of the states, and no state is required in any way to honor any unconstitutional order or judgement. The problem today is far too many edumicated elites, including 'alleged' Constitutional scholars, spout off dog crap and don't really know jack squat about the Constitution itself. GO TEXAS!!!
