Ya can't make this shit up! Proper grammar is RACIST? They speak in "black language"? WHAT THE FUCK IS BLACK LANGUAGE!?!?!? I thought we speak... ENGLISH! Look... if you're white, and you can't speak proper English, I'm looking at you as a dumb fuck. If you're black, and can't speak proper English, I'm looking at you as a dumb fuck! Not a white dumb fuck, not a black dumb fuck, but a DUMB FUCK none the less! So... unless we speak in ghetto slang we're racist? FUCK YOU! Maybe... just maybe... if these types of retards spent a little more time and effort in to being a PART of society, and not thinking they need their own and be separate, they might just be able to take advantage of the vast opportunities there are for EVERYBODY, regardless of skin color. Is it white society? Last I knew it was AMERICAN society. I don't see ANY of the other races crying this bullshit! You want the American dream? BE A FUCKING AMERICAN! Take you're slang shit and ghetto culture and get everything you deserve from that (which is NOTHING), or use your damned brain and get the benefits you deserve from actually putting some effort into life, instead of thinking you're owed something. (YOU'RE NOT!). Stupidity, laziness, and lack of effort deserve NO reward.

Professors say proper grammar is racist, perpetuates whiteness - TheBlaze

Professors say proper grammar is racist, perpetuates whiteness - TheBlaze

Towson University recently hosted a virtual "Antiracist Pedagogy Symposium," according to Campus Reform, which "criticized university writing curriculum and programs for being racist and perpetuating whiteness."
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