What the fuck was going on with the police, they were well armed and had high grade body armor but they did not storm the fucker Ramos, but they sat around firing from safe places, they could not get a door open because they did not have a key. The police had everything, they could of rushed Ramos, yes one or two might of been killed or hurt but they would of stopped the killing of children.
I belive most of the police there wanted to go in but were ordered not to. So who give the order, why did they give the order.
It took one border gard who arived to see what was going on and to rush Ramos and take him out.
So what do I think of Ramos, we he was mentally ill drug taking teen, so how did he save 5000 to get the guns and amo so easly, who trained him to use the guns, who planed the attack for him, who give him body aromor with out the plates. If he had wanted he could of got there things without going to buy them.
Join the dots people, human lives, childrens lives mean nothing to the people behind this, and the people behind this are the goverment.