I Really Miss John Wayne
A few days ago, I came across this meme:
It conveyed how I feel, and I knew instantly that the person who created this meme shared that sentiment and expressed it well. I am not alone, and neither are you!
What does that mean? There are 2 generations that don’t get it ‘Gen-X’ and the ‘Millennials’ especially the Millennials. They can’t understand why John Wayne was an icon, a role model for the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation.
His character was in every part he played on the big screen. After watching almost every movie he made, I concluded that John Wayne only played one character and that was “John Wayne”. Whether it was the uncredited walk on parts in the silent films in the 20’s, his first starring role in The Big Trail (193, his breakout role in Stagecoach (1939) or his final movie The Shootist (1976) and all 180 plus films he appeared in throughout his life.
He was the bigger than life role model, who taught a generation of young men to be courageous, to stand up for what you believe in to treat others as you would like to be treated but never back down from a fight. John Wayne was America. He loved America and what it stood for with every fiber of his being. His 1973 LP album “America and Why I Love Her” said it all.
Today there are no role models and the little piss-ants that are trying to change our way of life have not a clue what it means to be a true American.
I too love America; I was raised to pay homage to the values she stood for. Now. Now I find myself being called the enemy because of my beliefs in God and Country. There are groups who are now in charge and have made it clear that in their opinion people like me should be arrested, not allowed to work, or own property or even exist, simply because my beliefs are different than theirs. There is no one coming to our rescue like the good guys who always won in the end of those great old movies.
Like my hero I will stand and fight. It may not be much of a fight because I am older now but a fight it will be. The Duke himself said “TRUE Courage is when you are scared to death and STILL saddle up and ride”.
Man! I really miss John Wayne.
I am Johnny V., and this is my mind

Hans Schultz
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