Just to let you know how far the woke Socialists in Sweden are in Cloud Cuckoo Land here is what they think

SVT worried about the Taliban's climate policy

August 23, 2021

at 14.45

According to SVT's climate correspondent Erika Bjerström, the alleged climate crisis was a contributing factor to the Taliban being able to take over Afghanistan after the US military left the country.

"The ongoing conflict in the country, in combination with the climate crisis and the covid pandemic, are cooperating in a devilish way in an already vulnerable Afghanistan," writes Erika Bjerström in her analysis . She believes that the Taliban have used these things when they overthrew the country's government.

But the situation is not hopeless, she states. During the last 20 years, major environmental efforts must have been made in Afghanistan and environmental awareness must have grown. There will be many projects aimed at developing more climate-resistant agriculture and introducing solar-powered irrigation. For the whole thing to work, however, stability is required.

READ ALSO: Ann Linde's demands: The Taliban government must become feminist

According to Bjerström, it is unclear how the Taliban think about the climate issue and whether they even intend to participate in the UN climate conference in November.

It is not known how the new Taliban regime views the climate issue or food security, nor whether the Taliban intend to come to the negotiating table at the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. If they show up, it will offer a real diplomatic dilemma for the UN.