Whoa! Still gettin' the hang of this site an' just discovered I WASN'T actually seeing the whole newsfeed.
I had the "All" button selected all along from day one. Seemed pretty durned slow an' I was beginnin' to feel like I was cloggin' up the newsfeed pipeline with my junk the last half hour so was kinda feelin' bad.
Then I was lookin' around for another reason an' since I hadn't yet selected the button right to the LEFT of the "All" button I chose that an' whattya know, there was another "All" selection along with a "People I Follow" one.
Still puzzlin' between the two buttons an' with my other reason fer lookin' around on my cranial goo, I thought, huh, well, let's see what this does. An' 'lo an' freakin' behold! A whole new vigorous newsfeed opened up! Whatta revelation! ??
Ha! Learn sumpthin' new all the time if ya just keep pokin' about (at least that's what my ex-wife use to say. Ha!). Never too geezered to pick up a new tidbit.
Hans Schultz
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