What this means is that the Left/islam ( in Sweden ) want to ban all goverment partys who they think do not surport what they want.

Criticism of the proposed ban on opinion
Published September 6, 2021 at 11.58
DOMESTIC. The proposal for a ban on "participation in racist organizations" is criticized by several authorities. Svenska Dagbladet reports .
All parliamentary parties except V, SD and L are behind the bill, which will make it a criminal offense with up to four years in prison to participate in organizations that the spouses label as "racist".

The Public Prosecutor's Office states in its response to the referral that it will be difficult to prove that an organization is engaged in "organized racism" and that the organization commits crimes based on this "racism". In addition, it can be difficult to prove at all that someone is a member of such an organization, according to the authority.

The Crime Prevention Council (Brå) and the Swedish Judges' Association reject the proposal to introduce the two new crimes, ie "organized racism" and "support for organized racism", writes SvD.

Brå considers that there is no support in the parliamentary committee's report for allegations that "racist persecution crime" has increased.

The Chancellor of Justice writes in his response to the consultation that the design of the new penal provisions can "lead to both evidentiary difficulties and application problems, which in the long run risks undermining the purpose and effectiveness of the legislation".