Kingmakers release date estimate, early access launch, and trailers

Kingmakers release date estimate, early access launch, and trailers

What is the Kingmakers release date? Were you ever told you should never bring a longsword to a gunfight? Well, ye olde folke of medieval England must certainly regret never learning this lesson as they’re mercilessly mowed down by rifles, grenades, and an F-16 strike. Welcome to Kingmakers - there’s lots to digest here. Kingmakers is a strategic sandbox shooter that answers the ultimate question: how would a modern soldier fare against the armies of yore? Judging from what we’ve seen of the co-op game, ‘pretty well’ is the answer. Imagine GTA with every possible cheat enabled and the added chaos of armies of medieval soldiers on horseback. Below we’ve got all the info you need about Redemption Road’s explosive isekai adventure, including the latest on the Kingmakers release date, early access period, and its excellent trailers. Lock and load. Continue reading Kingmakers release date estimate, early access launch, and trailers MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best strategy games, Best action-adventure games, Best simulation games