21 famous Rock albums turning 50 in 2025

21 famous Rock albums turning 50 in 2025

Time flies and 1975 was 50 years ago, can you believe it? So some of your favorite albums are turning fifty this year and we selected 21 famous Rock and Roll records that were released in 1975 and will celebrate their 50th anniversary this year. 21 famous Rock albums turning 50 in 2025 A Night at the Opera (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ&pp=ygUTIkJvaGVtaWFuIFJoYXBzb2R5Ig%3D%3D Famous Songs: "Bohemian Rhapsody" "You're My Best Friend" "Love of My Life" Band Members: Freddie Mercury (vocals, piano) Brian May (guitar, vocals) John Deacon (bass) Roger Taylor (drums, vocals) Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54W8kktFE_o&pp=ygUcIlNoaW5lIE9uIFlvdSBDcmF6eSBEaWFtb25kIg%3D%3D Famous Songs: "Wish You Were Here" "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" "Have a Cigar" Band Members: David Gilmour (guitar, vocals) Roger Waters (bass, vocals) Richard Wright (keyboards, vocals) Nick Mason (drums) Elton John – Captain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt Cowboy (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM4Xm2MGLNQ&pp=ygUWIlBoaWxhZGVscGhpYSBGcmVlZG9tIg%3D%3D Famous Songs: "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy" "Philadelphia Freedom" Band Members: Elton John (vocals, piano) Davey Johnstone (guitar) Dee Murray (bass) Nigel Olsson (drums) Aerosmith – Toys in the Attic (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82cJgPXU-ik&pp=ygUPIlN3ZWV0IEVtb3Rpb24i Famous Songs: "Sweet Emotion" "Walk This Way" "Toys in the Attic" Band Members: Steven Tyler (vocals) Joe Perry (guitar) Brad Whitford (guitar) Tom Hamilton (bass) Joey Kramer (drums) Bob Dylan – Blood on the Tracks (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcNyMBw818&pp=ygUUIlRhbmdsZWQgVXAgaW4gQmx1ZSI%3D Famous Songs: "Tangled Up in Blue" "Simple Twist of Fate" "Shelter from the Storm" Kiss – Alive! (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS-lJ9gd4yI Famous Songs: "Rock and Roll All Nite" "Deuce" "Black Diamond" Band Members: Paul Stanley (vocals, rhythm guitar) Gene Simmons (vocals, bass) Ace Frehley (lead guitar) Peter Criss (drums, vocals) Electric Light Orchestra – Face the Music (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wtj59opWKg&pp=ygUPIlN0cmFuZ2UgTWFnaWMi Famous Songs: "Evil Woman" "Strange Magic" "Fire on High" Band Members: Jeff Lynne (vocals, guitar) Bev Bevan (drums) Richard Tandy (keyboards) Kelly Groucutt (bass, vocals) Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT8_Y-dxQ94&pp=ygUJIkthc2htaXIi Famous Songs: "Kashmir" "Trampled Under Foot" "Houses of the Holy" Band Members: Robert Plant (vocals) Jimmy Page (guitar) John Paul Jones (bass, keyboards) John Bonham (drums) David Bowie – Young Americans (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO6OvHxD_m8&pp=ygURIllvdW5nIEFtZXJpY2FucyI%3D Famous Songs: "Young Americans" "Fame" "Win" Fleetwood Mac – Fleetwood Mac (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrU1Zg0wugE&pp=ygURIlNheSBZb3UgTG92ZSBNZSI%3D Famous Songs: "Rhiannon" "Landslide" "Say You Love Me" Band Members: Lindsey Buckingham (vocals, guitar) Stevie Nicks (vocals) Christine McVie (vocals, keyboards) John McVie (bass) Mick Fleetwood (drums) Black Sabbath – Sabotage (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qDYa2aIBxw&pp=ygUZIlN5bXB0b20gb2YgdGhlIFVuaXZlcnNlIg%3D%3D Famous Songs: "Hole in the Sky" "Symptom of the Universe" "Megalomania" Band Members: Ozzy Osbourne (vocals) Tony Iommi (guitar) Geezer Butler (bass) Bill Ward (drums) Foghat – Fool for the City (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9VFTxPgtq0&pp=ygUYZm9vbCBmb3IgdGhlIGNpdHkgZm9naGF0 Famous Songs: "Slow Ride" "Fool for the City" "Drive Me Home" Band Members: Dave Peverett (vocals, guitar) Rod Price (guitar) Tony Stevens (bass) Roger Earl (drums) Paul McCartney & Wings – Venus and Mars (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKBRIGgcdb4&pp=ygURIkxldHRpbmcgR28iIHBhdWw%3D Famous Songs: "Listen to What the Man Said" "Venus and Mars/Rock Show" "Letting Go" Band Members: Paul McCartney (vocals, bass) Linda McCartney (vocals, keyboards) Denny Laine (guitar, vocals) Jimmy McCulloch (guitar) Joe English (drums) Nazareth – Hair of the Dog (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soDZBW-1P04&pp=ygUMIkxvdmUgSHVydHMi Famous Songs: "Hair of the Dog" "Love Hurts" "Miss Misery" Band Members: Dan McCafferty (vocals) Manny Charlton (guitar) Pete Agnew (bass) Darrell Sweet (drums) Supertramp – Crisis? What Crisis? (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b95cVg3eY-4&pp=ygUSIlNpc3RlciBNb29uc2hpbmUi Famous Songs: "A Soapbox Opera" "Sister Moonshine" "Lady" Band Members: Roger Hodgson (vocals, guitar) Rick Davies (vocals, keyboards) John Helliwell (saxophone) Dougie Thomson (bass) Bob Siebenberg (drums) The Eagles – One of These Nights (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqccEpqvwPY&pp=ygUMIkx5aW4nIEV5ZXMi Famous Songs: "One of These Nights" "Lyin' Eyes" "Take It to the Limit" Band Members: Glenn Frey (vocals, guitar) Don Henley (vocals, drums) Bernie Leadon (guitar, vocals) Randy Meisner (bass, vocals) Bad Company – Straight Shooter (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJTSmLqg6iE&pp=ygUPIlNob290aW5nIFN0YXIi Famous Songs: "Feel Like Makin' Love" "Shooting Star" "Good Lovin' Gone Bad" Band Members: Paul Rodgers (vocals) Mick Ralphs (guitar) Boz Burrell (bass) Simon Kirke (drums) Jeff Beck – Blow by Blow (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiOPvOBd8IA&pp=ygUdIkNhdXNlIFdlJ3ZlIEVuZGVkIGFzIExvdmVycyI%3D Famous Songs: "Cause We've Ended as Lovers" "Freeway Jam" "Scatterbrain" Band Members: Jeff Beck (guitar) Max Middleton (keyboards) Phil Chen (bass) Richard Bailey (drums) Ted Nugent – Ted Nugent (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzFpiW5vHrc&pp=ygUOIlN0cmFuZ2xlaG9sZCI%3D Famous Songs: "Stranglehold" "Hey Baby" "Motor City Madhouse" Band Members: Ted Nugent (vocals, guitar) Derek St. Holmes (vocals, rhythm guitar) Rob Grange (bass) Cliff Davies (drums) Rainbow – Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORnvO1VyYMk&pp=ygUcIk1hbiBvbiB0aGUgU2lsdmVyIE1vdW50YWluIg%3D%3D Famous Songs: "Man on the Silver Mountain" "Catch the Rainbow" "Temple of the King" Band Members: Ritchie Blackmore (guitar) Ronnie James Dio (vocals) Craig Gruber (bass) Gary Driscoll (drums) Mickey Lee Soule (keyboards) Status Quo – On the Level (1975) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcpmbmHn2DE&pp=ygUUZG93biBkb3duIHN0YXR1cyBxdW8%3D Famous Songs: "Down Down" "Bye Bye Johnny" "Most of the Time" Band Members: Francis Rossi (vocals, guitar) Rick Parfitt (vocals, guitar) Alan Lancaster (bass) John Coghlan (drums) The post 21 famous Rock albums turning 50 in 2025 appeared first on Rock and Roll Garage.