After Lightening Strike, Texas Experiencer Enters Into a Shocking ALTERNATE REALITY

After Lightening Strike, Texas Experiencer Enters Into a Shocking ALTERNATE REALITY

"As we crossed the tracks the hood was struck by lightning, which is when the paranormal event began. I entered into an alternate reality, and it still affects me."I received the following account:"I was driving my wife (then fiancée) to work one night, crossing a railroad track in our car, it was an older metal-body Chevrolet Celebrity. As we crossed the tracks the roof of the car was struck by lightning, which is when the paranormal event began.As the light filled my vision, I wasn’t in the vehicle anymore or myself, I was somewhere and someone else. I lived in that life, day in and day out for what felt like weeks, maybe longer. I lost track of the days. I went to sleep beside my wife one night same as every night and instead of waking there I was driving at night and could see the last of a flash of light leaving my vision. I almost wrecked the car out of sheer shock, I didn’t know where I was, and then it began flooding back, I was where I began.My wife (again then fiancée) was completely oblivious to what happened to me and thought the lightning had startled me. At the time I was 20, and it wasn’t a vision of the future because we had a daughter when it happened. In this alternate life, my wife and I had 2 boys and a girl. The boys were 30 and 24 and the oldest had a daughter, while my youngest son had a son of his own. My daughter, there was a senior in high school. It’s actually tough to talk about this because for me I lived that life. I was in my late sixties with all the memories and experiences of life. I didn’t tell my fiancée of this life because it took a while for me to process and grieve. I never got to say goodbye or anything, I was just gone, yet still alive back in this life.What’s weirder still is a second similar mini event that happened when I was driving with a co-driver for a refrigerated company. My co-driver was driving and I was sleeping. While I slept I experienced what had to be an alternate future, I was coming home from the road, and greeted my three kids, our oldest daughter, (the same as the previous event), and two twin girls, one of which is 100 feet from me. The other didn’t exist to me before this event. The twins both hugged me and I was so happy to see them, I remember saying how much they had grown in the last month, and in the event, I called them 'Callie and Allie.'I woke up after that and burst into tears because I had an overwhelming feeling that I had a daughter who was lost to me, and I called my wife. Silence. She was shocked and almost whispered and I could hear the tone of her voice that told me she was both angry and sad. She said, “How do you know that name?” What I had never known was that my youngest was supposed to be a twin, and my wife had miscarried one day when she thought she was spotting heavy (she didn’t know she was pregnant til she was around 22 weeks and that day happened about a week before). When our youngest was born she had delivered a second full placenta, and since I was between Paris and Longview, Texas trying to get me and my truck home that night she felt it was better not to tell me.When we named our youngest my wife didn’t want our unborn daughter to not have a name, so she named her 'Allison.' Or as she had been affectionately remembering her, 'Allie.'I haven’t talked with many people about these events and I’m sure many will believe I am faking the validity as it was a very personal experience in both. But paranormal isn’t something that can be explained. I can’t explain how either event happened. I just have to live with the memories of them and the tears for those I lost." 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As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! LonCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistChicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive MapEXCLUSIVE VIDEO of CHICAGO MOTHMAN RECORDED---------------Become a Phantoms & Monsters Radio Insider - just $2.99 monthly, and receive these perks. Thanks for your support!-Members-only live chats-Exclusive members-only videos-Priority reply to members' commentsHave perks suggestions? LMK-----YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED! THANKS-----Have you had a sighting or encounter?Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. Lon Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.Available on Amazon.comSan Francisco Book Festival Honorable MentionNew York Book Festival Honorable MentionAlso available with audiobooknarration by Terry Springs,CBS-TV Las Vegas affiliate.OUR PRIVACY POLICYThis blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler© 2005-2025 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved