Woke of the Weak: Pray the Woke Away
It doesn’t take a Bible-thumping nun or a Shomer Shabbos Frum to notice religion has always been number one on the progressive chopping block.
One of many things bringing Jews and Christians together, besides our five shared books, is that we’re the main targets of a secular pop culture that can’t decide whether to rewrite our books to peddle their Godless agenda, or burn them altogether.
Believing in God requires you to believe in the existence of good versus evil, a concept that you must reject in order to keep the lifestyle of a nihilistic leftist. That's why reform "shuls" and "churches" replaced God with an entity that not only affirms the Left’s self-serving ways, but gives them a platform to preach from authority.
Join me, your DEI Rabbi on today's episode of Woke of the Weak, as we pray the Woke away!