To Reconstruct Gaza, First Deconstruct Gaza

To Reconstruct Gaza, First Deconstruct Gaza

President Trump has floated the idea that people in Gaza should relocate during the eventual post-war reconstruction efforts. He suggested that countries in the region could “build housing in a different location where [Palestinians] can maybe live in peace for a change.” The suggestion met with instant pushback from Egypt and Jordan, the states Trump identified as possible destinations for the refugees. Palestinian leaders and Hamas terrorists also objected, using loaded expressions like “colonialism” and “ethnic cleansing” to describe the proposal. (RELATED: Despite $1.3 Billion in US Aid, Egypt Endorses Hamas) Whether Trump was describing a policy option currently being studied in the interagency process, an initial bargaining position, or simply the president thinking outside of the box, the statement did generate a more expansive debate over the future of Gaza. Clearly, the region cannot return to the status quo post-Oct. 7. That would mean putting Hamas back in control of Gaza, siphoning off billions of dollars of the inevitable international aid for their own corrupt purposes, aided and abetted by international agencies as well as terror supporters like Iran. Inevitably, the tunnels will be rebuilt, the weapons stockpiles refilled, and the violence will continue. This is what Hamas expects, and having already declared victory in this war the terrorists are now demanding to be rewarded. However, the United States has stated that Hamas cannot lead in reconstructed Gaza. In the 20 years since Israel idealistically attempted to trade land for peace, Hamas has turned Gaza into a launching pad for war. The terrorists are violent, corrupt, incompetent, and incapable of constructing a civil society. To allow them to reclaim power would be an affront to common sense. (RELATED: Israeli Hostages Turn Humiliation into Victory) As the president noted, Gaza has tremendous potential, based on its location, climate, beaches, and natural beauty. If rebuilt properly it could become a hotspot for tourism and commerce. A new Gaza City could be like other Middle Eastern projects that have erected gleaming towers in the desert, like Tel Aviv, Dubai, or Saudi Arabia’s ambitious project in Neom. Experts from the region could bring technical know-how and the necessary private investment. Deconstruction But to reconstruct Gaza, it must first be deconstructed. Part of this is the physical destruction of the apparatus of terrorism. The remaining tunnels must be destroyed, arms caches uncovered and eliminated, and all other support structures done away with. Then the financial support for terrorism must be dismantled. This would include hunting down and seizing all international financial assets controlled by Hamas and other violent groups, and disrupting the channels of future financial and arms support from sources like Iran, or any private entities that support terrorism. International aid organizations such as UNWRA that have been hopelessly compromised must be excluded from any rebuilding efforts. Breaking the financial lifeline of the terrorists is critical because without this support there is little Hamas can do to generate revenue, apart from extorting it from the Palestinians suffering under their control. This is why having people leave Gaza is such a threat to Hamas. It would detach the terrorists from the civilian population they hide amongst. The last thing Hamas wants is a voluntary means for Gazans temporarily to relocate during the rebuilding phase, because, nationalist bluster aside, they fear that for many, this would be an attractive option. After all, we heard Hamas propaganda calling Gaza an “open-air prison” for years, and now it has been reduced to rubble. Why not give regular people an opportunity to relocate, with the guarantee they can come back later, assuming they want to? Reconstruction To rebuild the physical infrastructure effectively, foreign developers will need guarantees that their investments will be safe. The rebuilding effort itself will provide jobs and opportunities for economic growth. As Gaza is being rebuilt, the complex work of establishing a durable political infrastructure could begin, one that allows for genuine civil society, encourages freedom of expression and political participation, and protects free-thinking Gazans from the terror gangs. This will be a welcome change from Hamas rule, where cancel culture involves being imprisoned, tortured, and executed. The benefits for the Gazan people are incalculable. Imagine having schools and hospitals that did not double as terrorist sanctuaries. Imagine if people did not have to worry about terrorists setting up rocket launchers and mortars on vacant lots next to their homes. Imagine not having to pay duties, graft, and protection money to terrorists who claim to be the legitimate government. And imagine a generation of Gazans being raised in a land of peace and plenty, rather than hatred and poverty. This is what President Trump is talking about. No wonder Hamas is howling. READ MORE from James S. Robbins: Reagan’s 9 Lessons for Trump in Pursuing Peace Through Strength Red Faced Over Red Lines The Myth of Student Protest Dr. James S. Robbins is the Dean of Academics at the Institution of World Politics in Washington, D.C. The post To Reconstruct Gaza, First Deconstruct Gaza appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.