This 'teacher' should be arrested and his teaching credentials pulled...never to teach again!!!

"The nasty weasel thought he was going to get away with his pathetic teaching for another year. But Project Veritas is an organization that has the sole mission of exposing communistic people. And when they captured footage of the teacher threatening his students and bribing them with extra credit, they could not sit quietly anymore.
Gipe is heard saying, “I post a calendar [of Antifa events] every week. And so, like I do it for extra credit. So, [students] get points for doing it. Like and so, that encourages them to do it. And I’ve had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution. All sorts of things.”
His goal is to turn as many of them as he can into what he calls “revolutionaries.” He uses the 180 days that he has with them to brainwash them and program them to hate America and all the morals that their parents instill in them as they grow up."

Students Bribed by Teacher To Attend Anti-American Events | News Sloth

Students Bribed by Teacher To Attend Anti-American Events | News Sloth