It's time we publicly hang these bast*rds and be done with them. And closing GITMO...stupid and Joe will just mess that up too! I can see as his first action...pulling all the military out first!!!!!
"All five are facing charges of “terrorism, hijacking aircraft, conspiracy, murder in violation of the law of war, attacking civilians, attacking civilian objects, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, and destruction of property in violation of the law of war.
With Obamas ‘Mini-Me’ wanting to pick back up where his former boss left off in terms of closing the facility, look for the trial to start accelerating its pace. But while every red-blooded patriot would like to see these cats publicly executed on their wide screens, the outcome isn’t guaranteed.
Realistically the original trial should have lasted one morning and they should have all been hung later that same day, but here in America, we play this game called politics. On one side, liberals believe everyone is entitled to a fair trial even if they willfully killed 2,996 innocent people and were disappointed that the casualty number wasn’t higher.
It’s because of these liberals that the trial these cold-blooded killers weren’t entitled to in the first place didn’t end when it should have, a long time ago. With the Biden Administration falling within this same candy-ass category, but still wanting to close GITMO, it’ll be interesting to watch which way the wind blows.
All we can say is that if Biden doesn’t pull up his big boy diaper and squash the parasites once and for all, he may be in for some trouble. To close Guantanamo Bay these guys would either need to receive the final death penalty or God help us, be returned from whence they came. There are but two options.
Which one do you think Biden will choose, and what if he chooses to send them on their merry way?"