How To Bake Without Oven And Microwave | My Homesteading Secret…
Did you know it's possible to bake without oven and microwave? Shocking, yes, but this old-school secret is actually still practiced today in different parts of the world. Let me let you in on this little secret… Wherever you find yourself and whether you're left without an oven and a microwave, you can still enjoy your favorite baked dishes. You can step away from the comfort of your kitchen oven and discover the wonders of baking…in a totally different kind of way! Discover the secret as you read along!
Learn How to Bake Without Oven and Microwave Anywhere!
Baking in Dutch Ovens
There you have it! My little cooking secret: to bake without oven and microwave is to bake in a Dutch oven.
A Dutch oven is one of the most versatile cooking implements you'll ever use. It is made of very heavy and sturdy cast iron, and if used according to instructions, it can provide the controlled temperature needed for cooking. It is, therefore, perfect for outdoor use in a campfire or your backyard grill.
This may or may not come as a surprise, but baking in a Dutch oven does not demand an open fire. You can use charcoal briquets or wood to keep your fire low and regulated.
Once you've got the fire burning, create and maintain the temperature you need for your food. If you're using charcoal briquets, you can estimate 10 degrees per briquet. For example, if you need to achieve 360 degrees, use 36 charcoal briquets.
It is also important to take note that you may have to replace some of the charcoal or wood partway through the baking process as they cool down or burn out. Keep a stack of charcoal or wood ready when doing campfire baking.
You can also learn more about The Art of Cooking in a Dutch Oven here!
Dutch Oven-Baked Macaroni and Cheese Recipe
Step 1. Saute Onion and Make a Roux
Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a Dutch oven then add diced onion and sautee. Add two more tablespoons of butter and flour and stir into a light roux. Add half a teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of dry mustard.
Step 2. Add Milk and Cheese
Beat two eggs and add two cups of milk until thick and frothy. Add in five cups of grated cheddar cheese, stirring until melted.
Step 3. Add Cooked Macaroni
Now, stir in a pound of your cooked macaroni (cooked according to package instructions), then sprinkle a cup or more of grated cheese on top.
Step 4. Bake Mac and Cheese in a Dutch Oven
Cook your baked mac outdoors on 24 charcoal briquettes: nine underneath and 15 on top of your Dutch oven. You can add more depending on the temperature of your area. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes at 350º.
Might as well try these other equally delicious Dutch oven recipes for cooking outdoors!
Baking in Stovetops
Who knew you could actually bake using a stovetop? There are a couple of things to make sure of before planning to try out your first stovetop marble cake.
First, make sure that the lid of the pot you're going to use fits perfectly, to maintain an even temperature.
Second, pre-heating your stovetop pot is a must. Just like pre-heating an oven before baking, turn the heat on high over your covered pot for 5 minutes.
Simple and Quick Stove Top Bread Recipe
Step 1. Mix Ingredients
Mix one and a half cups of flour and half a teaspoon salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour and salt mixture and pour half a cup plus 2 tablespoons of warm water. Sprinkle half a teaspoon of yeast into the water and add a tablespoon of sugar. Mix all ingredients well.
Step 2. Prepare the Dough
Slowly add more water if needed, adding one spoonful at a time. Using your hands, mix the ingredients well to make a smooth dough. Add in 1 tablespoon of butter or as needed and continue mixing the dough. Knead the dough on your kitchen countertop until you get a smooth and soft chunk of dough.
Step 3. Let the Dough Rise
Place the dough back into the bowl, then grease it with melted butter. Cover the bowl and let your dough stand for two hours. After two hours, you'll find your dough has risen and doubled in size. Knead the dough gently into a round shape.
Step 4. Prepare Cooking Materials
Take a 12 ” cast iron skillet and grease it with butter or any oil. Place the dough on the greased cast iron skillet then cover it for another 15 to 20 minutes. Take the lid of your pan and wrap it in a square cloth by tying the corners of the cloth to each corner across. This will help prevent the moisture from falling on the dough.
Step 5. Bake Bread on Stove Top
Take a kitchen knife and make a cross on top of the dough. Cover the cast iron with the wrapped lid and cook it over low flame. After 10 minutes, flip the dough to the other side and cook for another 5 minutes. Take the baked bread out of the pan and let it cool in a rack.
Wasn't that simple and easy? Now you can bake homemade bread even without an oven or a microwave!
Take this easy pizza recipe in this video from HealthyFoods and learn how to bake without oven and microwave:
To a true-blue homesteader, “if there's a will, there's a way” applies perfectly. So there's no food? They'll make food. There's no oven? They'll bake anyway. Good thing you now know you can do that without an oven or microwave. With a Dutch oven and a stovetop, you can bake cake and cookies, or bake mac and cheese anywhere you find yourself without the luxury of an oven. Learn how to bake without oven and microwave and enjoy your favorite baked goodies even in the toughest situations!
Will you try to bake without oven and microwave? Do you have any dishes in mind to bake and make in a Dutch oven? Let us know below in the comments section!
Up Next: Cooking With Your Cast Iron Skillet | Everything You Need To Know
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 16, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.