Survival game Green Hell is even nastier than The Forest, and now free to play

Survival game Green Hell is even nastier than The Forest, and now free to play

Its hunting, crafting, and survival mechanics feel directly inspired by The Forest, but when I play Green Hell, one of the first games I think of is the best-in-series Far Cry 2. Back in 2008, Ubisoft’s FPS was a serious stomach churner - anyone who played it remembers the absolutely brutal healing animations, where you had to pull shards of shrapnel out your arm after a grenade explosion, or crack all your fingers back into place when your handgun backfired. Green Hell uses a similarly ghoulish system. Sons of the Forest is still fantastic, but if you want a solid alternative, and one with a bit more nastiness, this is definitely worth your time, especially now it’s briefly free to play. Continue reading Survival game Green Hell is even nastier than The Forest, and now free to play MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best survival games, Best FPS games, Best horror games