What I mean to imply in this liink that was meant to be implied in the first one this morning is, I am no man or womans dumb animal.. I am not table food, I am not Joes' property, or Camel Toes property, or Pelosis, or Bitch McConnells or anyones.... I am a child of the Most High God, and while I may not be perfect, he is still just a mighty as He always has been, it is we who have cut him off and allow him to do what? We are the ones with the short comings in this event that is gonna destroy so many of us, and that on our own accord, no doing of His.... Have ya called on his Name, on the Name of His Son Yeshuah or upon the Holy Spirit to come, lead, guide and bring ya thur this trial, this tribulation... this is what this is in part folks... I promise you it is... no game, nothing you can return from...once ya get that jab, it's just gonnabe over within that period of time all those medical professionals are saying, and the evidence is plain and in open view if you are looking... Remember.. doctors, nurses, cops, and others wearing Government ID's and so on do not work for you, they work for the enemy and the enemy wants you and me gone. I'm not going anywhere because it is their desire, they can go to hell and stay...I'm staying here and that clean as long as I am able, and they can go suck a needle.