I would love to see the WH press corps all start yelling at Joe as he leaves the room...or every question to that lying P.O.S. Psaki...just what the vetting procedures were that these 2 scum bags passed and were allowed to come here!!!!!!!!!
"Remember how the Biden administration promised that they were thoroughly vetting the refugees from Afghanistan even when reports claimed otherwise?
Yeah... Me too.
The Department of Justice just released a statement detailing two Afghan refugees it currently has in custody. The report says the two men are currently facing charges after attempting to rape a child and suffocate a woman.
“Bahrullah Noori, 20, is charged with attempting to engage in a sexual act with a minor using force against that person, and with three counts of engaging in a sexual act with a minor, with one count alleging the use of force,” the Department of Justice wrote in a statement. “The indictment alleges that that the victims had not attained the age of 16 years and were at least four years younger than the defendant.”
“Mohammad Haroon Imaad, 32, is charged with assaulting his spouse by strangling and suffocating her,” the statement added. “The indictment alleges that the assault occurred on September 7, 2021.”