TRADEWARS 2002 : The BBS doorgame grandfather of the MMORPG

Trade Wars 2002 was a groundbreaking game in the early days of online gaming. Its complexity, graphics, and real-time features set it apart from other BBS games and made it a classic in the eyes of many gamers.

In the early days of online gaming, before the widespread adoption of the internet, there was a world of Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes). These computer systems allowed users to dial in using a modem and connect with others to play games, exchange messages, and share files. Among the many games available on BBSes, one stood out as a pioneer in the online gaming world: Trade Wars 2002.

Trade Wars 2002 was a door game, a type of game that was run on a BBS and accessed through a terminal program. The game was revolutionary in its time, offering a complex and immersive experience that was unmatched by other BBS games. The game was set in a futuristic universe where players took on the role of space traders, battling it out for resources, territory, and power.

One of the key features of Trade Wars 2002 was its ANSI interface. This allowed the game to display colorful graphics and text, making it a visual treat for players. The ANSI graphics created an immersive experience, allowing players to easily visualize the different planets, ships, and other elements of the game.

Trade Wars 2002 was also known for its complexity. The game was not just about shooting down enemies and collecting resources, it was about strategy, alliances, and economics. Players had to manage their resources carefully, trade with other players, and build up their fleets to conquer new territories. The game was also real-time, meaning that actions taken by one player could affect the game world for all players. This added an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the game.

Another aspect of Trade Wars 2002 that set it apart from other BBS games was its head-to-head features. Players could challenge each other in real-time battles, testing their skills and strategies against one another. This made Trade Wars 2002 a social game, as players formed alliances and competed against each other for bragging rights and dominance in the game world.

While Trade Wars 2002 was a challenging and complex game, players had help in the form of helper programs. These programs were designed to assist players in their gameplay, providing tools to manage their resources, plot their course, and even automate certain tasks. The use of helper programs was a double-edged sword, as they could give players an advantage, but also led to accusations of cheating.

Trade Wars 2002 set the stage for the internet games that came later. Its combination of graphics, complexity, and real-time gameplay paved the way for future online games like massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). Its legacy is still felt today, as modern games continue to build on the foundations laid by Trade Wars 2002 and other BBS door games.

Trade Wars 2002 was a groundbreaking game in the early days of online gaming. Its complexity, graphics, and real-time features set it apart from other BBS games and made it a classic in the eyes of many gamers. For those who were there in the early days of BBS gaming, Trade Wars 2002 will always be a nostalgic and beloved game that will be remembered for its pioneering spirit and its place in the history of online gaming.

Hans Schultz

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