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YubNub News


ROGUE JUDGE: President Trump Can’t ‘Override’ Drag Shows, FORCES School to Allow ‘Queer Empowerment’ Event

ROGUE JUDGE: President Trump Can’t ‘Override’ Drag Shows, FORCES School to Allow ‘Queer Empowerment’ Event

For many of us, the election four months ago represented far more than the turning of a political page. Traditional American values were seen — FINALLY — to be making a comeback; the ballot box was…

IT Exec Caught on Camera Keying Tesla Cybertruck in New Hampshire

IT Exec Caught on Camera Keying Tesla Cybertruck in New Hampshire

An IT executive was allegedly caught on camera keying a Tesla Cybertruck in a hotel parking lot in New Hampshire over the weekend. Kerri Pouliot, the owner of the vehicle, said in a post on X that the…

United Airlines Plane Diverts Mid-Flight After Pilot Leaves Passport Behind

United Airlines Plane Diverts Mid-Flight After Pilot Leaves Passport Behind

Readers, Instead of sucking up to the political and corporate powers that dominate America, The Daily Caller is fighting for you — our readers. We humbly ask you to consider joining us in this fight.…

After Years of Debate, Theologians Now Agree That Lying To Your Dentist About Flossing Is Not A Sin

After Years of Debate, Theologians Now Agree That Lying To Your Dentist About Flossing Is Not A Sin

LOS ANGELES, CA — After years of fierce debate, theologians from all the major branches of Christianity have now come to an agreement that lying to your dentist about the frequency of flossing in your…

Reports That Rich Americans Are Moving Assets to Swiss Banks Are ANOTHER Media Exaggeration

Reports That Rich Americans Are Moving Assets to Swiss Banks Are ANOTHER Media Exaggeration

How many times did we hear the Left say President Donald Trump will give tax breaks to the wealthy and harm the middle class?Too many to count.But -- like everything the Left says -- it turns out that…