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100 Percent Fed Up Feed

100 Percent Fed Up Feed


The SECRET Behind Trump’s Tariff War?

The SECRET Behind Trump’s Tariff War?

Canada… Mexico… Colombia… Trump defeated them all with tariffs But one ex-CIA analyst warns America’s biggest threat sits right in the heart of New York City… He’s proven an event is already in motion… With the power to crash the market by 20% in just a few minutes… Immediately followed by a SECOND 20% crash. Even worse, this new kind of crash is so powerful — it can even wipe out your savings account. This expert wrote a 159 page analysis of the event that causes this crash where he show… How it’s *already in progress*… Why this new kind of crash requires a new kind of protection strategy… And how to potentially profit using a strategy with an 88% win rate for 10 years running. See his analysis here, but do not wait. The catalyst for this event will appear as early as April 11th. Prepare yourself and your family… Or watch helplessly as the sky comes crashing down as soon as April 11th. I recommend you click here immediately. (Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message in this article and ordering through the included links, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support!  MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!)

Rosie’s Meltdown Continues With New Election Conspiracy, Claims That Elon Musk ‘Runs The Internet’

Rosie’s Meltdown Continues With New Election Conspiracy, Claims That Elon Musk ‘Runs The Internet’

Since uprooting her family and leaving the U.S. in protest of President Donald Trump’s second term, former talk show host Rosie O’Donnell has only ramped up her anti-MAGA rhetoric as an Irish resident. During a recent late-night talk show appearance, she offered up an array of allegations aimed at Trump and top figures in his administration. As Breitbart reported: For her first TV appearance since moving to Ireland, O’Donnell sat for a short interviewFriday on Irish TV’s The Late Late Show with host Patrick Kielty, where she floated a massive conspiracy theory casting doubt on the U.S. election, The Wrap reported. Oddly, because he owns the social media outlet formerly known as Twitter, O’Donnell now seems to think that Elon Musk “owns and runs the internet,” and because of that, she thinks he was able to interfere in every state’s election results. “I question why for the first time in America history a president has won every swing state and is also best friends and his largest donor was a man who owns and runs the internet,” O’Donnell astonishingly exclaimed. “So, I hope that would be investigated,” she rambled on. “And that we would see whether it was an anomaly or it was something else that happened on election night in America when Kamala Harris was filling up stadiums with people who supported her and Donald Trump was not able to do that.” “So, it’s curious to me and as an American and a believer in democracy, I would hope that we would be able to look at all of the reasons why this happened in our country,” the former The View host ranted. After leftists spent years accusing Trump and others on the right of peddling misinformation about the 2020 election results, O’Donnell’s claims were unsurprisingly met with significant backlash from her many critics: So… she is making the case for paper ballots. Bravo. — Freedmans Journal (@FreedmanJournal) March 22, 2025 Did Musk purchase the internet from Al Gore? — Andrea E (@AAC0519) March 23, 2025 “The Internet” pic.twitter.com/D18ESpMgaD — Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 23, 2025 Meanwhile, O’Donnell won’t stop talking about how glad she is to be in Ireland, as USA Today reported: In a lengthy TikTok video posted Thursday, O’Donnell said she has seen mental health benefits from leaving the U.S and moving to Ireland following a decadeslong beef with Trump dating back to her days as co-host of “The View.” “We really felt this was the safest and best thing for us to do and it looks like sadly, we were correct for what’s happening in the United States is overwhelmingly depressing, unconstitutional, illegal, criminal and so so very sad,” she said. The outspoken O’Donnell also advocated for more women with political power, saying “enough with old white guys who don’t stand up for what’s right, in both parties.” Here’s a full clip of her recent interview:

Survival Beef Company CEO: “No Lab-Grown Meat, No mRNA Jabs, and No ‘Beef Crumbles’ Ever”

Survival Beef Company CEO: “No Lab-Grown Meat, No mRNA Jabs, and No ‘Beef Crumbles’ Ever”

There are easy ways and hard ways to run a freeze-dried survival beef company in America. The easy way is to go with whatever governments and globalists want for us as they continue their attacks against the real meat industry. The hard way is to approach the system with the wellbeing of the people — and therefore the nation — as the guiding principle in all business matters. That’s why Jason Nelson, CEO of Whole Cows, decided the country needed a better way to stock up on long-term storage beef. A former U.S. Congressional candidate, Nelson served in both the U.S. Army and U.S. Marines so he knows about serving the nation. “I started off as a consumer ordering survival beef,” Nelson said. “That’s all it took to make me realize the industry was in desperate need of a makeover. Have you ever tried the ‘beef’ they sell?” Nelson’s company is the only one in America that offers high-quality cuts of beef rather than the standard “prepper beef” that’s usually made from the cheapest meat available. Gateway Pundit benefits when readers purchase their sous vide, freeze-dried Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Beef Cubes through this link and the links below. Use promo code “WLT15” at checkout for 15% off. Click here to see all that Whole Cows has to offer! “My partners and I all agreed on three things we would never accept when we launched the company,” Nelson said. “No lab-grown meat, no mRNA jabs, and no ‘beef crumbles’ ever.” Globalists like Bill Gates and members of the World Economic Forum are heavily promoting companies that are trying to sell “cultured meat” as a substitute for the real thing. Legislation is in play in several states that will not only allow lab-grown beef to be sold at grocery stories and restaurants, but to also keep that fact a secret from consumers. Lab-grown chicken has already been approved by the federal government in this manner and will be hitting stores this fall. Injecting cows with mRNA “vaccines” is also in the works. Some say it will happen this year. Others say it will happen in 2024. mRNA “vaccines” have been injected into pigs since 2018, yet most Americans are completely unaware due to lack of transparency and no labeling requirements. As for “beef crumbles,” Nelson’s company takes pride in offering the whole cow… well, most of it. Their cattle are purchased from trusted Texas ranchers and butchered locally. Then, the ground beef and lower quality cuts of meat are sold wholesale to other meat companies. Whole Cows keeps the best beef from their cattle and turns it into cubes that can remain fresh for over a decade without refrigeration. “We send our cattle to the slaughterhouse where we have them custom sliced to ideal sizes for long-term storage,” he said. “Then, we sous vide the beef, freeze-dry it, and package it in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers to maintain maximum freshness for years.” With beef prices going up and the cattle industry under attack from globalists, it behooves Americans to stock up at Whole Cows. Don’t forget to use promo code “WLT15” at checkout!

STUNNING New Research Validates “QLink” — Shows MASSIVE Cylindrical Energy-Generating Towers Below The Giza Pyramids!

STUNNING New Research Validates “QLink” — Shows MASSIVE Cylindrical Energy-Generating Towers Below The Giza Pyramids!

Ok folks, we have a LOT to unpack here…so let’s get right to it! Some people are calling this “Fake News” and I want to address that right up front.  I’m aware of the doubters and I’m aware that some of the doubt comes from Alex Jones’ association with this story, but I’ve looked into it and I cannot discredit it as easily as the people shouting “Fake News”. In fact, it looks rather solid to me. As always, I’m going to show you what I have, I’ll lay it all out there, and then you can decide for yourselves what you think!  That’s how we do things around here. Ultimately, time will validate the truth on this one way or another, and I have a feeling this story is not going away but is rather going to grow quickly. Kim Clement told us there was a coming form of new energy.  Free energy! Nikola Tesla figured it out over 100 years ago….more on that in a minute. And it looks like history may be coming full circle, a Big League full circle all the way back to the pyramids according to these latest reports. Basically, the claim is that new ground-penetrating radar, sonar and other technologies has now advanced far enough that it can see deep below the Earth’s surface.  And while Egypt has historically been extremely guarded about letting any investigation of the pyramids move forward, they can’t stop this new technology from looking down from low-Earth orbit satellites and scanning the ground underneath the Great Pyramids. DEEP underneath…. I’m going to start here with Alex Jones who helped this story get attention initially.  Jones calls this the “Greatest Archeological Find in HISTORY” and if the reporting is indeed accurate, Jones is right. Nothing even comes close. Watch here: The Greatest Archeological Find in HISTORY was Just Discovered! Using Powerful Ground-Penetrating Radar, Scientists Have Mapped a Structure More Than Twice the Height of the Tallest Building on Earth Under the Khafre Pyramid in the Giza Complex pic.twitter.com/QBxJFHZNto — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) March 19, 2025 I’ll do my best to summarize…. The new study claims they discovered massive cylindrical pillars underneath the Great Pyramids which are at least twice the height (going down) as the tallest building on Earth and massively wide. Around each cylinder are what are believed to be energy-generating coils that an artist depicts like this: Now if that looks familiar, it’s because it looks EXACTLY like the “Electro-Culture” rods we told you about over a year ago! We told you these gardening rods were well known over a 100 years ago, but slowly were removed from the public consciousness. SEE IT HERE: It turns out that perhaps the concept was well known as far back as the Egyptians — and on a much grander scale. It is stunning and so validating to me to see our reporting confirmed on such a grand scale. Folks, you can always trust us to bring you the truth, even when it seems a bit “out there”. Looks like we were right over the money on this one, and also on the QLink!  But more on that in a minute….. First, here is another artist depiction on what the new research paper has found underneath the pyramids: One more artist rendering here: And for reference, here is Nikola Tesla’s drawing for his “Free Energy from the Aether” energy device. We’ve been telling you about this for a long time: Do you think it’s any coincidence that all of this is coming out now? You do know that President Trump’s Uncle is the man who ended up with all of Nikola Tesla’s research papers, right? You can’t make this stuff up folks! Truth is truly stranger than fiction! Now back to the groundbreaking new study…. It all comes from the Khafre Project new report, and if you want the heavy duty info, keep reading — this is the detail on exactly what they used to get this new data: PLEASE READ THIS Lets get some things straight regarding the Khafre Projects claims about discovering massive subterranean complexes under the Giza Plateau and significant substructural engineering on the Khafre Pyramid: First here is the TLDR for people: SAR is detecting surface-coupled displacements, not direct reflections from deep structures. Resonance through piezoelectric and acoustic coupling is plausible, especially in Giza’s geophysical context. Inversion of SAR phase shifts to identify resonant sources is challenging, but not unprecedented. Giza’s geology and geometry provide the necessary conditions for this kind of coupling, making it possible where it wouldn’t work elsewhere. Many of the critiques assume Direct EM Penetration through rock, that is NOT what is being claimed! The claim is NOT that SAR is directly penetrating 2 km of rock. Instead, Biondi’s method proposes that SAR is detecting secondary surface deformations caused by deep mechanical resonance not direct EM wave reflections. SAR already measures surface deformations with millimeter-scale precision using interferometric techniques (InSAR), that’s how we monitor earthquake zones and volcanic inflation. If deep voids beneath the Giza Plateau are resonating, the surface could experience subtle, periodic displacements, detectable through SAR’s phase-sensitive Doppler processing. SAR doesn’t need to penetrate rock directly, it just needs to detect surface effects caused by subsurface resonance. THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART THE GIZA PLATEAU IS GEO-PHYSICALLY UNIQUE! Limestone and granite are known for their acoustic and piezoelectric properties. Granite contains high quartz content, which responds to mechanical stress by generating electric fields (piezoelectric effect). Resonant voids deep underground could stimulate mechanical stress in the rock, creating surface-coupled oscillations through the piezoelectric effect.The pyramids’ precise geometry could enhance wave reflection and standing wave formation, essentially acting as a mechanical amplifier for deep resonance. In other words, Giza’s geology and construction create the ideal conditions for deep mechanical resonance to couple into surface-level oscillations, making them detectable by SAR. High attenuation and scattering apply to direct EM penetration through rock, but not necessarily to mechanical coupling. Low-frequency seismic waves and standing resonant waves could survive for kilometers underground , depending on the geological structure. If deep voids are geometrically tuned to natural frequencies (like Helmholtz resonators), they could sustain coherent resonant oscillations that transfer energy to the surface. The surface response could then be detectable as a consistent micro-Doppler shift in SAR. Mechanical resonance propagating through dense rock via piezoelectric coupling bypasses the attenuation problem faced by direct EM waves. SAR measures backscattered EM waves, not seismic waves, but SAR interferometry (InSAR) is already used to detect micro-scale surface displacements caused by earthquakes and tectonic shifts. The Doppler shift SAR detects would come from the surface deformation caused by deep mechanical resonance, not the resonance itself. Doppler-based SAR is already sensitive enough to detect: – Ground deformation caused by magma chamber inflation. – Tiny tectonic shifts before earthquakes. – Ocean surface currents and even atmospheric pressure waves. If SAR can detect these subtle mechanical shifts, it’s plausible that deep resonance-induced surface coupling could register as a Doppler shift. Yes, Doppler-based SAR is sensitive to noise, but consistent, periodic signals are far easier to extract from noise using statistical and signal processing techniques. If the surface oscillations are tied to a resonant frequency (i.e., consistently repeating over time), they would stand out against random noise. Inversion algorithms used in seismic tomography and synthetic aperture processing could enhance signal clarity, especially if the source is stable and repeating. If the resonance signal is stable and coherent, modern signal processing techniques could extract it from noise. InSAR-based geophysics often work without direct calibration, just by comparing phase shifts over time. If Biondi’s SAR-based inversion aligns with known geological data (like seismic tomography or borehole sampling), that would provide indirect validation. Direct borehole sampling or seismic correlation would strengthen the case, but not having it doesn’t make the signal invalid. If the signal shows consistency across multiple passes and environmental conditions, it strengthens the case for a real underlying cause. Lack of direct calibration doesn’t invalidate the method, it just requires correlation with independent data. Revolutionary Implications? Yes, But Feasible in the Context of Giza’s Unique Geology! Giza’s combination of: • Resonant granite and limestone. • Piezoelectric properties. • Geometric resonance from the pyramids. • Deep voids acting as Helmholtz resonators. … creates the perfect environment for this kind of coupling. The physics of piezoelectric and mechanical resonance coupling are known, what’s groundbreaking is the proposed scale and the ability to detect it using SAR inversion. Most geological settings lack the piezoelectric and geometric properties present at Giza, so this effect might be site-specific. If confirmed, it could open a new field of planetary-scale geophysics, blending seismology, radar physics, and material science. If Biondi’s method holds up, it’s not a minor discovery, it’s a paradigm shift in how we understand geophysical coupling, ancient engineering, and subsurface imaging. Many of the critiques fall apart due to assumptions on the Systems & Methods being deployed, and assuming conventional geophysics, but Giza’s geological, material, and architectural conditions are ANYTHING BUT CONVENTIONAL. If Biondi’s team can correlate their SAR data with seismic, magnetic, and piezoelectric evidence, they’ll have unlocked a new method for subsurface imaging and possibly uncovered the engineered foundations of the pyramids’ hidden purpose. Sometimes video is easier, so next I want to go to this shorter, 6-minute video, which really digs into the science and shows you what this new research paper claims they found, complete with stunning visuals: Groundbreaking Findings on the Giza Pyramid Complex Could Re-Write Human History! This should not be possible. pic.twitter.com/Q3eAoAqwSL — Jay Anderson (@TheProjectUnity) March 19, 2025 You do know they built these things in Antarctica too, right? Gee, I wonder why: I wonder whats underneath this one in Antarctica. pic.twitter.com/HkM7fWpU1Z — Andrew Côté (@Andercot) March 20, 2025 It also makes you start to wonder if so many things you think you know….may not be so! Perhaps the George Washington Monument is less about a big giant phallic symbol, and perhaps has much deeper meaning? I mean, why else build this? What other reason compels you to build a giant phallic symbol for no reason? What if The Washington Monument is just a miniscule scale of those 3 Giza monoliths built by fallen angel technology? pic.twitter.com/VhoMKgv4BN — NoWeaponFormed (@NoWeapon66) March 20, 2025 My friend Jovan Pulitzer even covered this all on his show recently, and I’ll be talking more about this with him tomorrow when he joins me on The Daily Truth Report, but if you want more, please watch this incredible show from Jovan: The entire thing is mind-blowing and I can’t wait to see where all of this goes! I’m sure I will have MANY updates for you on this in the future, but for now I want to leave you with our original report from almost one year ago…. Our very own Winger published this report and opened my eyes to the concepts of “Electro-Culture” and the “QLink” — both of which build upon Nikola Tesla’s research and both of which were brand new concepts for me before Winger showed me (and all of you) what they were. Now nearly one year later and as you read this report I think you’re going to be absolutely BLOWN AWAY at just how much this perfectly mimics what researchers are now calling the “Greatest Archeological Find in HISTORY” with the Giza Pyramids. Turns out, we were right over the target almost one year ago and we told you first! I love it when that happens. We work very hard around here to find the truth and bring it to you when no one else will.  We do our homework and we don’t present things until we have a high confidence level that we’re reporting accurately. So please forgive me if I’m a little giddy about this, but I’m just so pleased when our reporting is validated by the “Mainstream”.  Even when it takes months or years for them to come around, as in this case. Anyway, please take a look and see if this doesn’t blow your mind: Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health? Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health? ✅ PRO TIP: use the Email button above to email yourself this article so you don't lose it! It's that time again. Time to dig into the secrets that have been kept from us. And this is a BIG one. And it might just save your life. So grab a mug of your favorite drink and settle in. I'll wait. Okay, let's begin! Scarcity. Lack. FAMINE! That's what our rulers want us to have. But there's another way. This article is broken into 2 parts. The 1st part is about food shortages and what you can do about it. The 2nd part is what you can do to help your body. The information I'll be sharing was life changing for my own mom just a few months ago who was recovering from a serious stroke, so be sure you to read that part. PART I: It's not much of a stretch to think that the Establishment has written "Create Food Shortage" on their calendar. No food = you die. What can we do about it? We can stock up and prepare in advance. Another thing we can do is use electro culture to super size your food, for those that grow their own. It will also speed up the growing process. This may be the very thing that gives you more than enough to weather what's coming our way. What is electro culture? It's a technique in harnessing energy to boost the plants growth. But the government used the media to attack it and use slurs against those that benefited from it. Here's 3 pages from Justin Christofleau's book, Electroculture (1927): (That's a link to a free PDF of the book) How is it done? Well, the main tool to this government concealed technique is...copper. (There's been research that it can be applied to humans as well. I'll explain that at the end.) You see, this used to be a popular way to grow food. But the problem was, it created an abundance of food. The food was too large. And too plentiful. We know that's not good for our greedy overlords. They live by the rule of scarcity. So they convinced farmers that if they grow too much food, the price they charged for food would go down, and they wouldn't sell as much, and they'd have to throw it away and lose profits. Didn't take too long for the farmers to abandon this technique. But we aim to live by the rule of abundance, to take back what was stolen from us long ago. In every area. So we're rediscovering how things used to be in regards to our food. Here's a short clip that shows the results of using electro culture for your garden: ??? Have you guys ever heard about electro culture? ? Look at the results people are achieving with their fruit and vegetable harvests? pic.twitter.com/gUAyFfXLyk — Kevin - WE THE PEOPLE? (@bambkb) April 23, 2024 It's basically a copper wire wrapped around a stick. (It doesn't have to be a bamboo stick). Our current farming practice is completely backwards. Use tools that are covered in rust on food that we consume? Terrible! Why do you think Electroculture was banned? pic.twitter.com/XHfDllMLUK — Olive (@MaygaSpunky) June 1, 2024 More and more people are jumping in and trying out electro culture. And they're blown away by the results! I am beyond blessed Every Morning There is more then yesterday…If you haven’t tried #Electroculture Copper is a gameChanger. pic.twitter.com/BpBZQg6Vup — 0⃣BlackBetty (@BabyD1111229) June 18, 2024 Ever hear of ELECTRO CULTURE? The use of copper wire to grab energy from the air and charge your soil? It works The picture is our potato bed...the other potatoes were here and there kinda "normal" The group you see in the pic were all huddled around the copper wire pic.twitter.com/JPbN3OXeui — Doug and Stacy (@DougandStacy) July 8, 2024 Give it a try! It'll be a fun experiment you can do and watch the results over the summer. Just to remind you, there's different thickness when it comes to copper wire. The thicker, the better. So swing by Lowe's or Home Depot and have them cut it off the spool for you, rather than the thin one that comes in a pack for about $7. But the thin wire would be good if that's all you've got. Here's a side by side clip that shows a group of plants using the antenna vs the same type not using the antenna: If you have a garden and you haven’t studied electroculture, you are doing yourself a disservice. Look at these results. pic.twitter.com/zS2XjhntOe — Ted Theodore Logan (@TedLogan1010) May 15, 2023 There's energy all around us that we can tap into. This isn't some 'spiritual' or 'new age' idea. That's the lie we've been told. This is just science. An area of science omitted from the school books. Check this clip out. A guy is getting energy from a tree - he plugs a light bulb into it and it lights up! This is why electroculture works so well Everything is electric This is also why grounding is so important Dont forget to touch some dirt my dudes pic.twitter.com/4Vkmg2BKep — Rufus_2688 (@No_Curve) September 13, 2023 And if you'd rather have a "done for you" solution, these are my favorite ones currently on Amazon and the ones I purchased and use in my own garden (and at the time I'm writing this you can also clip a 5% off coupon too right on Amazon): SEE IT HERE: These antennas also seem to mess with chem trails. https://x.com/ronin19217435/status/1746893921442058697 Are you ready for this? PART II: Now what if you could harness this power and apply it to your body? There's 2 ways that I know of: Option 1, Grounding (also called Earthing) There's electrons in the soil and so walking barefoot on it will absorb those into your body. Especially if the soil is a bit damp. Water is a good at conducting energy. (The rubber in the soles of your shoes blocks the electrons in the earth from being absorbed.) Option 2, Wear a Q-Link pendant necklace. First let's look at how 5G affects your blood. (Ignore his anti-Trump remark. Trump has a plan to deal with 5G) 5G at the 60 Ghz transmission spectrum prevents the oxygen in your body from binding to the hemoglobin(blood). This disrupts the oxygen distribution in your body, thereby starving your body of oxygen. 5G is now being installed in schools. Trump supports the 5G kill grid pic.twitter.com/nBikDqz3WB — Richard Reichle (@RichardReichle) July 23, 2020 This guy tests the blood of those affected by 5G smart meters. He shows what the blood looks like - it's shocking! 5G SMART METER Radiation DESTROYS Blood Integrity & Oxygenation pic.twitter.com/fki1P79ERX — Redpill Drifter (@RedpillDrifter) August 14, 2023 Okay. Now let's look at how grounding affects your blood: Look at these red blood cells before and after grounding pic.twitter.com/N2Db7woHpf — Plana Terra (@usnational7) October 4, 2023 The blood cells are charged from the electrons absorbed from the earth. That keeps them separated from each other, meaning, they won't clump but they'll flow as they should. Before and After Impact of 40 minutes of grounding on appearance and clumping of bloodhttps://t.co/1pla0EqNsy pic.twitter.com/8L0yhEmM6c — Remnant | MD (@RemnantMd) August 16, 2023 What if you're like me, and you don't have a grassy yard? You could stand barefoot on the pavement, but it's not as powerful and with 100 degree weather, that's not very appealing. Also, how long can you ground in your busy schedule? 5 minutes a week? (Well, you can touch trees. There's a reason why "tree huggers" were mocked by the Establishment. But how long are you gonna hug that tree?) That's why the 2nd option I suggest is: Wear a Q-Link pendant. Within it is a copper coil, similar to that used in electro culture. Let's check the blood cells of those that wear the pendant and compare it to the results from grounding: Almost identical! But with grounding, you're only doing that for a few minutes, maybe an hour? Then the shoes go back on and you're back to the real word. But the necklace? You just leave it on all day and all night. So far, over 1 million of these bad boys have been sold. Now, I don't claim to fully understand how this works. I'm not a scientist. I've just seen it work really well on a lot of people. The company states the technology in the pendant will give you: More vitality, greater focus, improved performance, and better stress response. Many wearers claim it helps your body to deal with EMFs (electro magnetic frequencies). I believe it helps, not by stopping the EMFs, but by boosting the state of your body so it will combat the effects of EMFs. I was shocked to discover that one of the founders who came across this technology happened to perform and record with The Beach Boys! You may have noticed a few celebrities wearing it over the years. Here's Simon Le Bon of Duran Duran: For you golfers out there (someone get a Q-Link for Trump!) it will boost your performance on the green. In fact, a whopping 97% of the subjects improved their stress levels. And that was from wearing the pendant for LESS than 1 minute. (By the way, how cool is it that it's called the "Q" Link?  Things that make you go hmmmmmmm) The author of Yoga of Golfers, Katherine Roberts, says: Q-Link will help lower your golf score by quieting the mind, relaxing the body. SFGate reports: Jimmy Page, one of rock's all-time guitar heroes, is featured on the cover of this month's Rolling Stone sporting his from way back. Lindsay Lohan was photographed wearing hers after she checked out of rehab. And more than 300 golfers in the PGA wear theirs; 120 championships on the links have been won with them, and many on the tour say it's all because of the Q-Link. Bruce Fleisher, 2001 U.S. Senior Open Champ said, "The week after I put it on, I won the Senior Open. Was it luck? Absolutely. Destiny? You better believe it." There's more. "It was amazing. In the space of a few weeks, the guy pitching the opener of the World Series, Josh Beckett, flying out of his shirt was the Q-Link and then Alex Shabalov, the U.S. chess champ, was wearing it," said Richard Gray, president and CEO of Clarus Transphase Scientific Inc., maker of Q-Link. "In a chess blog, he said he put it on and it helped him to win the tournament." TruthinAging tested it out: When I put it on, the effects were astoundingly immediate.  This was when I returned from a trip to Scotland and had to DJ that night.  My schedule would have had me slipping in and out of consciousness around 10pm, but wearing the Q-Link had me showing no signs of fatigue. In fact, I felt great! Believe it or not, athletes swear by this as its reported to improve mental focus and endurance, and I'll have to vouch for them as it definitely makes me feel more aware  and productive at the gym.  I think of it as acupuncture around your neck; I feel harmonized, I sleep well, my sense of well-being is spot on and my "chi" has never been so aligned.  And that jet-lag?  Done and done." I'm sharing this because I want to share my own personal testimonial with you. A Q-Link helped my mom, who was huffing and puffing as she tried walking up the stairs. I'll never forget seeing that. It disturbed me. Her health wasn't the same after having a stroke last year. I was worrying that she might have another. Then it dawned on me. "Duh, get her a Q-Link!" Of course. I just had a feeling in my gut (that was probably God) to order her one. So I got her one and she changed over night! Well, around day 2 or day 3 of wearing it is when she showed me the change. She said "Look at this!" and then preceded to go up and down the stairs like normal. She couldn't believe it! She said she even felt more energetic. Talk about a sigh of relief. So, I put a link below so you can order one. I'm hoping it will bless you as much as it did my family. I pray God gets this to the right people. Do I have a pendant? Heck yeah I do. Now, I'm fairly healthy so I don't have a big recovery story. But what I did notice is that the headaches I would get every week, were almost non-existent. Writing this now, I can't recall the last headache I had. Thank God! About 4 months ago (I know, I should've shared this sooner) I took it off for a bit just to wear a different normal necklace. About a week or so later I thought 'Why am I getting these headaches again? Am I eating more sugar?' Then it hit me. I stopped wearing my Q-Link! Popped it back on immediately. Haven't made that mistake since. Also, I do sleep great. You might get more dreams wearing this too. That seems to be a common effect. Click here to get your own Q-Link: Hang on, I just remembered. I used the code "RENEW" when I got my mom her necklace. It gave me, I think 10% off? You can try that it out, see if it still works. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to share that? NOTE: These are just my personal testimonials, from my own personal experience.  Things I have witnessed.  I cannot tell you these are medical devices, because they are not.  I cannot claim they will diagnose, treat or cure any disease, health or medical condition whatsoever. You know, the same lying bastards that... ...settled a lawsuit over some of its posts about ivermectin, including what may have been one of its more popular pandemic-era social media campaigns. In August 2021, to discourage people from using ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid-19, the FDA tweeted “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Serious y’all. Stop It.” and posted a similar message on Instagram. Can we trust the FDA? Personally, if the FDA doesn't endorse an item, I'm all for it. And if they're against something, I friggin' embrace! But that's just me. Here are some other unsolicited testimonials I found from people who had similar experiences to me: Here's a recent testimonial from a 'techie' YouTuber, stating how his stress levels are basically zero, and his trouble falling asleep is over. He's now sleeping like a baby. So give it a try. Implement the gardening technique that the Establishment hates. Wrap some copper wire around sticks and add the to your garden. And put a Q-Link around you neck. TAP HERE TO GET ONE Then stand back and watch the magnificence genius of God's creation do it's thing. Nothing in this article shall be deemed as claiming any product can diagnose, treat or cure any disease, health or medical condition whatsoever.  We cannot give you personalized medical advice.  

BREAKING: President Trump Says “Sounds Good” For USA Joining Britain’s Commonwealth of Nations!  NOT GOOD!

BREAKING: President Trump Says “Sounds Good” For USA Joining Britain’s Commonwealth of Nations! NOT GOOD!

Yes folks, I am one of the biggest Trump supporters you will find…. It’s why this site is called WLT Report, did you know that? If you know the history of this site, you know it used to be called WeLoveTrump.com and that’s what the WLT still stands for to this day! More info on that and why we changed the name here: Introducing…WLT Report! [From Noah] So please understand there are not many people who are bigger Trump supporters than me, but I also call strikes and balls as I see them and I don't shy away from calling out the truth, even when it means I have to disagree with President Trump. And this is one of those Red Alert situations. I'm going to say right off the top in this article that I can only assume President Trump is juggling multiple balls in the air here, playing 5D Chess, keeping his friends close and his enemies closer, or whatever other analogy you want to throw into the mix.... Because I can't believe he is serious about this at face value. It all started yesterday when President Trump posted this strange article to his TruthSocial: We reported on it and brought you the full story as it stood yesterday. Read here if you missed it: President Trump Again Pushes Canada 51st State Amid “Secret Offer” From King Charles Now today it's taken on a whole new life of its own, in a very bad direction. Today it appears the "Secret Offer" is for the USA to join Britain's Commonwealth of Nations and to that offer President Trump said "Sounds Good, I love King Charles!" See here: I personally verified the Trump post on TruthSocial is authentic. See here: Breitbart had more details: President Donald Trump has signalled a willingness to see the United States join Britain’s Commonwealth, a voluntary association comprised of mostly former British colonies led by King Charles III. A report from the top-selling Sun newspaper in Britain claimed that President Trump would be presented with an offer from King Charles during his historic second state visit to the UK to join the Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth is a network of 56 nations, primarily drawn from former members of the British Empire, which aims to promote “mutually advantageous” relationships between independent nations based on shared heritage and common values. At the heart of the group are 15 “Commonwealth Realms,” including the United Kingdom and other nations that still have King Charles as their Head of State, such as the Anglosphere nations of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, which already have close ties with the U.S. through the Five Eyes intelligence sharing network. Responding to the article from The Sun on Friday evening, President Trump remarked on the reported plans to invite the United States to join the Commonwealth: “I Love King Charles. Sounds good to me!” The idea of inviting the United States to join the group was first floated during Trump’s first term in the White House. However, the plans were shelved during the presidency of Joe Biden, who was often described as one of America’s most anti-British presidents in modern history. On the other hand, President Trump has been seen as one of the most pro-British presidents, having been an ardent ally of the Brexit independence movement and a staunch supporter of the Royal Family, particularly of Queen Elizabeth II. Trump, whose mother was born on the Scottish Isle of Lewis, is expected to become the first modern U.S. President to have two state visits to Britain after being invited last month by King Charles. The visit is expected to take place next year. Should the United States join the Commonwealth, it could serve to increase America’s influence in Africa, with 21 of the current 56 member nations coming from the continent. Influence in Africa, the home of many resource-rich areas, is widely considered to be of increasing importance in countering the rise of Communist China, which has sought to effectively bribe its way through its Belt and Road debt trap diplomacy scheme to gain control of resources such as rare earth minerals. Joining the Commonwealth would also likely further solidify the “special relationship” between America and Britain. It might also be a venue through which Washington could negotiate beneficial trading arrangements and serve as a counterbalance to the ongoing trade disputes with the European Union. During his first term, President Trump frequently spoke in support of crafting a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK. Alex Jones is not amused and quite frankly neither am I: Alex Jones warns that a civil war will erupt if President Trump appoints King Charles as the head of the U.S. government. His warning comes after Trump expressed interest in the U.S. joining the British Commonwealth, following reports that King Charles III made him a secret… pic.twitter.com/1SDQ307D6u — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) March 23, 2025 We fought an entire war to gain our independence, this would be insane! Trump must have other plans, throwing his enemy off balance. I can't come up with any other explanation. Canada is already part of the Britain Commonwealth, did you know what? It's true.  And that's why the Canadian Prime Minister swears an oath to the British King/Queen -- something we want NOTHING to do with here: Yes, the Canadian Prime Minister’s Oath of Allegiance to the British monarch ties directly to Canada’s status as a Commonwealth nation with a specific historical and constitutional relationship to the British Crown. Unlike the hypothetical scenario of the U.S. joining the Commonwealth, Canada’s connection is rooted in its past as a British colony and its evolution into a constitutional monarchy. In Canada, the monarch—currently King Charles III—is the ceremonial head of state, represented by the Governor General. This arrangement stems from the British North America Act of 1867 (now the Constitution Act, 1867), which established Canada as a self-governing dominion under the Crown. When a Canadian Prime Minister takes office, they swear an Oath of Allegiance that includes loyalty to the monarch, reflecting this constitutional setup. The oath isn’t about personal devotion to the King or Queen but symbolizes allegiance to the Crown as an institution—the embodiment of Canada’s statehood and legal continuity. For example, the Oath of Office for a Canadian PM, as administered by the Privy Council, includes a pledge like: “I, [name], do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III, King of Canada, His Heirs and Successors…” (The exact wording can vary slightly.) This doesn’t mean the monarch has any practical control—Canada’s government operates independently, and the Governor General’s role is largely symbolic, rubber-stamping decisions made by elected officials. The Commonwealth connection amplifies this: Canada’s membership reinforces cultural and historical ties to Britain, but the oath predates and exists independently of the Commonwealth’s modern form (established in 1949). It’s more about Canada’s monarchical system than a requirement of Commonwealth participation—other members like India or South Africa, which are republics, don’t swear allegiance to the monarch. So, while the U.S. joining the Commonwealth wouldn’t necessitate such an oath (it could join as a republic), Canada’s PM does it because of its unique status as a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth framework, a legacy of its colonial origins and gradual independence. Let's hope President Trump has broader plans. Let's hope he's just utilizing Law 39 of Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power: Law 39: “Stir Up Waters to Catch Fish.” This law advises creating confusion and uncertainty — such as spreading misleading information or “fake news” — to keep your opponents off balance and unable to mount an effective response. That sounds EXACTLY like what President Trump is doing, doesn't it? Here was our original report from yesterday in case you missed it: President Trump Again Pushes Canada 51st State Amid "Secret Offer" From King Charles President Trump continues to aggressively push for Canada as the 51st State.... Quote: "When I say they should be a state, I mean that.  I really mean that." BREAKING: President Trump has reaffirmed that he is serious about Canada being annexed by the United States. “When I say they should be a state, I mean that. I really mean that.” pic.twitter.com/2478SGjPlL — Leading Report (@LeadingReport) March 22, 2025 Watch here: President Trump on Canada: "When I say they should be a state, I mean that. I really mean that." pic.twitter.com/GUy5LL88oW — The American Conservative (@amconmag) March 21, 2025 In other words, he's doing everything he can to make clear this is not a joke or a negotiating posture....he really wants to annex Canada. But if that were all I had to report, that wouldn't really be much of a story. Because that's kind of old news.... Thankfully, that's not how we roll around here. I would not simply be bringing you this report on its own. No, I'm bringing you this report because THIS just caught my eye BIG LEAUGE as they say.... Check out this new report from The Sun posted today: TRUMP CARD: King Charles to make ‘secret offer’ to Donald Trump during State visit – after Starmer hand-delivered letter from King I already know what some of you are thinking...."Come on Noah, The Sun?  Really?  That's your source?  That's what you're covering now?" Oh ye of little faith! No, if that were all I had I still wouldn't be bringing you that story. No folks, what makes this very interesting to me and extremely newsworthy is President Trump himself posted this to his TruthSocial this morning giving it his validation. Take a look: There you have it folks! From the President himself! Ok, so now the big question.....what is this "Secret Offer" anyway and does it relate to Canada? Some say the deal involves the UK handing Canada over to the USA, because you did know it's controlled by the Monarchy, right? PRESIDENT TRUMP WANTS THE 51ST STATE. IT'S A BANKRUPTCY DEAL FROM THIS GUY Do you Agree YES or NO? ... Plz repost pic.twitter.com/xNgc45USFg — J B (@stayfreeCanada2) March 22, 2025 More on that in just a minute. Here's what The Sun reported in that article posted by President Trump: KING Charles will reportedly make a "secret offer" to Donald Trump during his State visit. The Royal proposal is said to potentially reduce tensions between the White House and Canada. Plans are allegedly in the works to make the USA the next "associate member" of the Commonwealth. The international association, which currently boasts 56 states, could welcome the US as a new member. In February, a Tariff war began between the US and Canada, with Trump signing orders to impose near-universal tariffs on goods from Canada entering the United States. The US President revealed Canada could avoid higher taxes if it joined the United States of America as its 51 state. Suggestions for the US to join the Commonwealth were first made during Trump's first stint in the White House by the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) with the blessing of Queen Elizabeth. Now in his second term of office, the proposal has been brought back, with members of the society crossing their fingers for the King to extend an invitation to Trump upon their next meeting. A source told the Daily Mail: "This is being discussed at the highest levels. "It would be a wonderful move that would symbolise Britain's close relationship with the US. "Donald Trump loves Britain and has great respect for the Royal Family, so we believe he would see the benefits of this." When the RCS first wrote to Trump in 2017, the letter was delivered by current Reform leader Nigel Farage. The latest letter was hand-delivered to the US President last month by Sir Kier Starmer, inviting the US leader to a second state visit. A delighted President Trump immediately accepted the invitation, hailing both Starmer and the King as special and beautiful. He declared it would be an "honour" to visit the King's "fantastic" country. Now back to the Royal Family.... Did you know the Canadian Prime Minister swears an oath to the King/Queen of England? It's true! Take a look here: Did You Know Justin Trudeau Swore an Oath To Queen Elizabeth? Did You Know Justin Trudeau Swore an Oath To Queen Elizabeth? Did you think Canada was a free, sovereign nation? Wrong! I'm not making this up folks, you can watch it for yourself. When a Canadian Prime Minister is sworn into office, they don't take an oath to their Constitution or even to the people of Canada....nope, they take an oath to Queen Elizabeth! Mind blown? Watch it for yourself: Here's more on the story, from NowToronto: The ABCs on the Oath of Allegiance: a declaration of loyalty to the monarch What it says “I, … do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.” Canadians who have publicly rejected the oath Victoria’s new mayor, Lisa Helps, who faced an onslaught of angry emails. She admits to not being a “big fan” of the monarchy but explained, “I work closely with local First Nations, and I think to honour that work and the process of decolonization, I couldn’t in good faith take this voluntary oath.” More than half the city’s nine-member council followed Helps’ lead in refusing to take the oath. Councillor Ben Isitt stated on his website. “As a Canadian and British citizen, I think democracy works best when it flows from the bottom up, firmly rooted in a mandate from the people with unwavering respect for human rights.” What the experts say “There are some people who don’t believe in monarchy and think that it’s anachronistic that, in this day and age, we still swear an allegiance to a rich old lady in another country.” Dennis M. Pilon, associate professor of political science at York University, who notes that we didn’t have Canadian citizenship until the 1950s and God Save the Queen was our national anthem until the 1960s. Is the oath merely symbolic? Gary Levy, a fellow in Canadian Parliamentary Democracy at Ottawa’s Carleton University, offers that even if the oath were modified from declaring loyalty to the monarchy to Canada and it’s people, it would ultimately mean the same thing. “The crown is the symbol of Canada,” he says. “Sovereignty is with the crown and it’s a concept that forms the basis of our whole system of government.” In the early 1990s Toronto lawyer and activist Charles Roach argued in Federal Court that the Canadian Oath of Citizenship violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by forcing new citizens to swear an allegiance to the monarch. His case was struck down on four separate times. The Federal Court ruled that allegiance to the Queen was “a solemn intention to adhere to the symbolic keystone of the Canadian Constitution, thus pledging an acceptance of the whole of our Constitution and national life.” However, the judge in the case also found that “It may be argued that it strikes at the very heart of democracy to curtail collective opposition and incentive for change by demanding loyalty to a particular political theory.”