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President Trump’s Transportation Chief Calls Out NY Gov Hochul’s Request For More Money

President Trump’s Transportation Chief Calls Out NY Gov Hochul’s Request For More Money

Sean Duffy just put Gov. Hochul on blast for asking D.C. to bail out the MTA. And this isn’t the first time. He called the transit agency “horribly run” and blamed New York’s own financial mess for their lack. And the MTA already gets billions. But billions isn’t enough, apparently. Hochul wants more cash. At the same time, she’s pushing a congestion toll that’s already got New York drivers really upset Duffy’s message? Get your mess together. Secretary Sean Duffy posted on X: Outrageous! Governor Hochul is asking for MORE money for the horribly run MTA. The MTA is running a deficit thanks to NY’s financial mismanagement, and they already receive billions in federal funding. Instead of addressing rampant crime that’s scaring riders away or actually fixing their financial mismanagement, the state is trying to fill the gap with highway funds and taxing the working class. Meanwhile, transit assaults are up. How could the state’s modernization plans say NOTHING about making transportation systems safer? Before we make any changes to funding decisions, we’d like to see their plan to make the subway reliable, secure, and clean. The federal government is not a blank check, and we will hold NYC leaders accountable for not keeping commuters safe. Outrageous! Governor Hochul is asking for MORE money for the horribly run MTA. The MTA is running a deficit thanks to NY’s financial mismanagement, and they already receive billions in federal funding. Instead of addressing rampant crime that’s scaring riders away or actually… pic.twitter.com/08oF4yELfx — Secretary Sean Duffy (@SecDuffy) March 25, 2025 New York Post reports: President Trump’s transportation chief put Gov. Kathy Hochul on notice for asking for more federal money to prop up the chronically cash-strapped MTA – as concerns over subway safety soar. US Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy railed against the Democrat in a Tuesday social media post, blasting the Metropolitan Transportation Authority as “horribly run” as the federal government and Empire State continue to spar over a controversial Manhattan congestion toll. “Outrageous! Governor Hochul is asking for MORE money for the horribly run MTA,” Duffy wrote in an X post. “The MTA is running a deficit thanks to NY’s financial mismanagement, and they already receive billions in federal funding. “Instead of addressing rampant crime that’s scaring riders away or actually fixing their financial mismanagement, the state is trying to fill the gap with highway funds and taxing the working class,” he added. Duffy’s ire was raised after Hochul, along with state Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Westchester), sent a letter requesting the feds commit to change their funding formula for the MTA. The letter — sent to Duffy, Trump and Republican congressional leaders — argued the federal government doesn’t pay the MTA its fair share. “While the MTA carries 43 percent of the nation’s mass transit riders, its share of federal transit formula funding is only 17 percent,” the letter reads. “We believe this is a fundamental misalignment.” Just because we’re used to seeing the subways in New York City look like a crime zone in the movies, it’s not a movie set, so lets clean it up. Just look at the subways in other countries: The NY subway system is an embarrassment to The United States. Every other country in the world that has a subway system is better run and cleaner. China has an amazing subway system. pic.twitter.com/r85Qw31daD — TravelMore (@AnotherOne311) March 25, 2025 Here’s Japan, the most ethnically homogenous developed country in the world. (97%+ of population is Japanese). Shock Horror!..No diversity. A subway train in Japan. No-one swinging on the bars while twerking. It’s clean and safe, and everyone is minding their business and getting along….. pic.twitter.com/lh7GaK6GhN — Frantruth (@frantruth) December 5, 2023 Japan is one of the most capitalist countries and we have a safe, clean, and efficient public transportation system. There are plenty of other capitalist countries across Europe and Asia with comparable standards. Don’t blame capitalism for the NYC subway being garbage. https://t.co/UwVaEk1UYJ pic.twitter.com/gp7ngEaNQ2 — Oliver Jia (オリバー・ジア) (@OliverJia1014) February 25, 2024 Norway is pretty clean…oh, wait. It’s still got ‘diversity’ problems. Large Swedish man drinking a beer in the subway intervenes after a migrant suddenly starts acting aggressively. He tells him to stop as he’s scaring the kids sitting nearby and then orders him to get out pic.twitter.com/y1ys0TDn7Q — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) March 23, 2025 Why is it that other countries seem to be so much more advanced and cleaner than ours? That has to change. And don’t get me started on the toilets. This public toilet self cleaning is a useful system Credit: pskolojirehberi pic.twitter.com/OSUQwC5Ov5 — Learn Something (@cooltechtipz) December 20, 2024  

MUST SEE: What They Don’t Tell Women About Makeup….And Why It Could Kill You!

MUST SEE: What They Don’t Tell Women About Makeup….And Why It Could Kill You!

This is a very important message and I hope it reaches millions of people. Especially women. Especially young women, or people who have young women in their families. Parents. Grandparents. Please help us share this everywhere to get the message out, because it might just save a life. Literally. Or it might allow a loved one to be able to have children when they desire to do so. Here’s the deal….do you know what the largest organ is in your body? It’s actually the skin. No one thinks of the skin like that, but it’s a living, breathing organ that does just as much work filtering things as your other organs do. The only different is your other organs are internal and shielded, but the skin is exposed and it soaks up toxins like crazy! Some toxins are unavoidable in the air we breath and just living a normal life, but the tie in to women is that the skin creams, lotions, potions and especially MAKEUP  (and then makeup removed!) that they constantly put on their skin is introducing millions of harmful chemicals into their bodies each day. And spoiler alert: I know this probably won’t surprise you, but just like the food we eat, this stuff is NOT safe! It’s full of harmful chemicals. Many carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) and many EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals) which I believe is the #1 culprit behind why fertility rates are so low and why so many couples have trouble having children. It’s what you’re putting on your skin every single day. Watch this: MUST SEE: What they don’t tell women about makeup….and why it could kill you! pic.twitter.com/Q52q8zY5Lk — Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) March 26, 2025 FULL TRANSCRIPT: Today we’re going to talk about what they don’t tell women about wearing makeup. The skin is a human sponge—it absorbs things, okay? So everything you put on your skin goes directly right in. An average female will absorb four pounds and six ounces of chemicals every single year. So here’s an example of four pounds: this is how much chemical goes into your body through the skin every year. That’s a lot. There are about 515 different chemicals put on your skin every single day—from hairspray, blush, foundation, shampoo, conditioners, deodorant, body lotions, hand cream, nail polish, to nail polish remover (which is very, very toxic). Some of these chemicals are carcinogens—that means they can cause cancer. The problem is there’s always a delay between cause and effect. You start accumulating these chemicals, and you don’t know when—or if—you might have a problem down the road. MUST SEE: What they don’t tell women about makeup….and why it could kill you! pic.twitter.com/Q52q8zY5Lk — Noah Christopher (@DailyNoahNews) March 26, 2025 Ok, that was just the warm up….now let’s go deep. Really deep! Stick with me: REPORT: Infertility Issues? READ THIS NOW! REPORT: Infertility Issues? READ THIS NOW! This may be one of the most important articles I have ever published.  Someone just reminded me of it yesterday, so I'm reposting it and hoping it can help more people!  Please get this information out everywhere! You learn something new every day... And this was a big one for me. In hindsight, it makes perfect sense but I had never really thought about it. In fact, when someone started telling me about this, I said "Wait, hold up...say that again?  What did you say?" And so they told me again....and then I researched it.....and this article is the result of that journey. Some of you may already know this but this may be a similar stunning wake up call for many of you like it was for me. (Be sure to read to the end because I'm not just going to give you the problem, I'm going to give you the solution!) So basically, the premise is this: studies have now shown that many popular makeup brands have "EDCs" in them. EDC stands for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. According to EHN.org, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals can have the following major health consequences: For the reproductive system, these harms include: Genital malformations Cancers of the reproductive organs Early female puberty Early menopause Lowered sperm counts Infertility Miscarriage Low birth weights These chemicals are also linked to many inflammatory and chronic diseases, including: Obesity and other forms of metabolic dysfunction Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Hormone-sensitive cancers Autoimmune disorders Allergies and asthma EDCs can also harm the brain and nervous system. Prenatal and childhood exposure is linked to: Lower IQ Memory and attention deficits Developmental delays Depression Neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s Take a look at that first grouping and then ask yourself if it's any wonder so many young couples are suddenly facing infertility issues. It's such a private thing that people don't talk about very often, but I would bet you probably know someone in your life right now facing infertility issues. And the cause may be EDCs.... Specifically, the EDCs that we are rubbing all over our skin each day! The enemy is within the building folks! The enemy is in the expensive creams and lotions that we pay so much money for and then rub all over our skin. As someone who has young daughters at home, this one hits REALLY close to home. How about you? In fact, studies are now showing that ON AVERAGE young women use EIGHT personal-care products a day that contain EDCs! Are you kidding me? And some were as high as 17: WOMEN'S PERSONAL-CARE PRODUCTS AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. According to the following study, young women use at least eight personal-care products a day that contain known endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Some of the women in the study used up to 17. ? pic.twitter.com/tUVs66h5Fn — RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023 But is this really any big surprise? They are poisoning us with the food we eat (mRNA steaks anyone?), the air we breathe (hello chemtrails!)....is it really any wonder there would also be poison in what we rub on our skin? Like I said -- so obvious in hindsight, how did I not know this until now? I mean, think about it too.... God designed our skin to essentially be this giant solar panel. It takes in sunlight and then converts that to vital Vitamin D and other nutrients we need. Our skin is like the most advanced solar cell ever. So it's receiving and taking in all sorts of things, of course it would be highly sensitive to taking in toxins. And where do we often rub creams and ointments? Often in sensitive places. Instant access for toxins. Man, this is some nasty stuff -- but I have to warn you about it and maybe we can truly save some lives and improve some lives!! You'd better believe I'm making INSTANT changes for my daughters as they grow up! I've got a ton to show you about this, but let's go here next: Here's more from EHN.org: Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, also known as EDCs, are natural or human-made substances that interfere with the healthy functioning of the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine system is made up of glands throughout the body, along with the hormones that these glands produce and receptors that respond to the hormones. Endocrine glands include the pituitary, thymus, pancreas and adrenals. Hormones act like messengers, traveling through the body to deliver instructions that control biological processes ranging from growth and development to sleep, digestion and childbirth. Humans have more than 50 hormones. These include estrogen and testosterone, which help to control sexual development, as well as the “feel good” hormones serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin, which regulate mood, along with many other processes. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals change how the endocrine system works. Some EDCs are chemically similar to our hormones and mimic their effects in the body. Others block the action of hormones, increase or decrease their levels, or affect how the body responds. Because the endocrine system is extremely sensitive, endocrine disruptors can be hazardous in tiny amounts, such as one part per trillion — the equivalent of one drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Some of these substances, such as lead, are so harmful that there is no known level of exposure that is not considered dangerous to some degree. According to one estimate, there are roughly 1,000 endocrine disrupting chemicals currently in use. However, this number is likely an undercount. There are hundreds of thousands of synthetic chemicals, and only a small percentage have been assessed for their effects on the endocrine system. What's clear from these studies, and others, is that personal-care products are one of the most significant sources of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals for women. If you're worried about your reproductive health, ditch them or find natural alternatives. pic.twitter.com/FvVCuPQoez — RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023 Ok, so now you're probably saying I get it, this is terrible, but what can I do? You're right, the situation IS bleak... In fact, every brand you see in this wheel below is owned by the 11 corporations shown below: But it's actually much worse than that.... Because those 11 corporations are mostly owned by THREE corporations: BlackRock... Vanguard... ...and State Street! It's called the ILLUSION of choice: You're not going to find the solution in that wheel... Or in your local grocery store.... Definitely not at Wal-Mart or Target. Nope! Those are EDC havens folks! NO THANK YOU! So is that it? Are we just doomed? You know I never like to leave you with only bad news, I like to leave you with a SOLUTION! And I've got you covered here! There's only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left....and I'm teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK! This is the company I've partnered up with on my new Mission that I keep talking about. We launched the new Mission in February, but this company has been doing this for over 38 years!! Talk about a track record. Watch this: It's Invite Only but the invite is completely free! In fact, I've assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up....if you want in. Folks, we don't have many strongholds left. This is one. And I'm all in. If you'd like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:  https://SwitchWithNoah.com Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email. Don't freak out when you do. I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don't recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you....so be ready! These are awesome people and I think you'll love getting a chance to talk with them. And they'll help get you all set up. Then put me to the test... I've had people take their products and run them through the most detailed, scientific lab testing possible and they pass with flying colors. NO EDC'S! SAFE! NON-TOXIC! Who's with me? NOTE: am I saying we can CURE infertility?  No, absolutely not.  Am I saying that you should consider getting as far away from EDCs as you can?  100% yes.  Let's start there and see what happens?  Sound good? What is the primary medical credo? DO NO HARM. How about if we cut off the products that are doing harm and then we see where we go from there? That good with everyone? - Noah p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in.  So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list.  I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they'll work on a first-come, first-served basis. Request a free Invite here

President Trump Gives FULL PARDON To Hunter Biden Partner — Here’s Why That’s Great News!

President Trump Gives FULL PARDON To Hunter Biden Partner — Here’s Why That’s Great News!

President Trump just gave Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, a full and unconditional pardon. You can watch the moment right here: .@POTUS pardons Devon Archer — Hunter Biden’s former business partner turned whistleblower who was unjustly prosecuted by the Biden Administration pic.twitter.com/ccR1BbKe2N — Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 25, 2025 So, what’s going on here? This is good news folks, allow me to explain. No, I’m not making this guy out to be some sort of a saint, his association with the Biden Crime Family tells you all you need to know about his morals and judgment. But….he became a whistleblower against Hunter Biden and turned states evidence. Plus, you’ll notice that Joe Biden didn’t pardon him. Why? Because now that he’s fully pardoned, he can’t take the 5th Amendment in any prosecution against anyone in the Biden Crime Family. HUGE! #BREAKING: President Trump has just signed a pardon for Devon Archer, the former business partner of Hunter Biden Archer blew the whistle on the ENTIRE Biden crime family, and was persecuted for doing so. CONGRATS Devon! pic.twitter.com/x2YB2pXcXJ — Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) March 25, 2025 The Trump Administration just gained a star witness against the Bidens — someone who knows where ALL the bodies are buried. Trust me, Joe and Hunter Biden HATE this pardon. And that should be all you need to know. Here’s Jesse Watters: EXCLUSIVE: Devon Archer, Hunter’s ex-“best friend in business,” says he never thought he’d need a pardon, because @JoeBiden and Hunter promised to take care of him. He tells Primetime all about selling the Biden brand and how he’s a victim of the Biden family. He also reveals the… pic.twitter.com/dUXYMXdjjZ — Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) March 25, 2025 And from Fox News: President Donald Trump on Tuesday pardoned Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Devon Archer. “Many people have asked me to do this. They think he was treated very unfairly. And I looked at the records, studied the records. And he was a victim of a crime, as far as I’m concerned. So we’re going to undo that. … Congratulations, Devon,” Trump said Tuesday ahead of signing the pardon. Archer was a business associate of former first son Hunter Biden at Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. Archer was convicted in 2018 of defrauding a Native American tribe in a scheme that involved the issuance and sale of fraudulent tribal bonds. He was sentenced to just over a year in prison but had his conviction overturned and later reinstated in 2020. The Supreme Court rejected his appeal last year, leaving a prison sentence hanging in limbo until Trump’s pardon. Hunter Biden was not involved with the scheme. Archer became a focal point of an investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, including testifying before the House Oversight Committee in 2023 on the Biden family’s influence. He told the committee that Hunter Biden had put his father on speakerphone while he was with business associates up to 20 times to sell “the brand,” but that the then-Vice President did not discuss business dealings directly. The Biden White House maintained its innocence throughout the investigation, and the administration slammed Archer’s testimony in 2023 as “failing to produce” evidence of President Joe Biden being involved with his son’s business dealings. Biden granted his son a sweeping pardon before exiting the Oval Office in January that protects Hunter Biden from offenses he “has committed or may have committed” from Jan. 1, 2014 to Dec. 1, 2024. “We have a pardon for Devon Archer. Devon Archer was a former business partner of the Biden family,” Trump political advisor William Scharf said ahead of Trump signing the pardon. “He was prosecuted relating to a fraud investigation, but, notably, the tone and tenor of that prosecution changed dramatically after he began to cooperate with congressional investigators and serve as a witness against Hunter Biden and the Biden family. “We believe that was an injustice. And, therefore, we’re asking you to pardon.” Trump said over the weekend he would pardon Archer, arguing the former businessman was “screwed by the Bidens.” “They destroyed him like they tried to destroy a lot of people,” Trump said, according to the New York Post Sunday. Archer met with Trump over the weekend at the NCAA wrestling championships in Philadelphia, where he said he received some “very encouraging words.” Devon Archer pardoned!Gave up everything he knowsOn Hunter Biden pic.twitter.com/VMEUyvpdQX — Fletch17 (@RealFletch17) March 25, 2025 This is going to get fun! Buckle up folks, and keep the popcorn on the ready!

President Trump Pardons Former Business Partner Of Hunter Biden

President Trump Pardons Former Business Partner Of Hunter Biden

President Trump on Tuesday granted a full and unconditional pardon to Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer. “Many people have asked me to do this. They think he was treated very unfairly. And I looked at the records, studied the records. And he was a victim of a crime, as far as I’m concerned. So we’re going to undo that,” Trump said. WATCH: #BREAKING: President Trump has just signed a pardon for Devon Archer, the former business partner of Hunter Biden Archer blew the whistle on the ENTIRE Biden crime family, and was persecuted for doing so. CONGRATS Devon! pic.twitter.com/x2YB2pXcXJ — Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) March 25, 2025 Fox News reports: Archer was a business associate of former first son Hunter Biden at Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. Archer was convicted in 2018 of defrauding a Native American tribe in a scheme that involved the issuance and sale of fraudulent tribal bonds. He was sentenced to just over a year in prison but had his conviction overturned and later reinstated in 2020. The Supreme Court rejected his appeal last year, leaving a prison sentence hanging in limbo until Trump’s pardon. Hunter Biden was not involved with the scheme. Archer became a focal point of an investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, including testifying before the House Oversight Committee in 2023 on the Biden family’s influence. He told the committee that Hunter Biden had put his father on speakerphone while he was with business associates up to 20 times to sell “the brand,” but that the then-Vice President did not discuss business dealings directly. The Biden White House maintained its innocence throughout the investigation, and the administration slammed Archer’s testimony in 2023 as “failing to produce” evidence of President Joe Biden being involved with his son’s business dealings. Trump Grants Pardon to Hunter Biden’s Associate Devon Archer President Trump: “Many people have asked me to do this. They think he was treated very unfairly, and I looked at the records, studied the records, and he was, he was a victim of a crime as far as I’m concerned. So… pic.twitter.com/3nAjxx25d4 — UngaTheGreat (@UngaTheGreat) March 25, 2025 Trump signs pardon for ex-Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer https://t.co/2MJRaEei8N pic.twitter.com/TjJOCSE6L8 — New York Post (@nypost) March 25, 2025 From the New York Post: The president promised Archer the pardon when they met at the NCAA wrestling championships in Philadelphia Saturday night, an encounter arranged by another former Hunter Biden associate-turned-whistleblower, Tony Bobulinski. “He’s getting a full pardon,” Trump told me Sunday. “He was screwed by the Bidens. They destroyed him like they tried to destroy a lot of people. “A full pardon,” Trump repeated, describing Archer as an “anti-Biden person” because of his pivotal role in exposing Biden corruption. The presidential clemency will end a decade-long ordeal for Archer, who was facing jail time for securities fraud over a bad deal he was involved in with Hunter Biden in 2015. “I want to extend my deepest thanks to President Trump,” Archer said Sunday. “I am grateful to the president for recognizing that I was the victim of a convoluted lawfare effort intended to destroy and silence me. “Like so many people, my life was devastated by the Biden family’s selfish disregard for the truth and for the peace of mind and happiness of others. The Bidens talk about justice, but they don’t mean it,” he said. “I am grateful that the American people are now well aware of this reality.” Hunter was the original target of the Southern District of New York investigation that ensnared Archer. As the son of Joe Biden, the vice president at the time, Hunter was deemed a “politically exposed person” in suspicious activity reports filed by a Morgan Stanley risk assessor.

JUST IN: Senate Confirms Nominee To Lead HHS Agency

JUST IN: Senate Confirms Nominee To Lead HHS Agency

The Senate voted on Tuesday to confirm Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President Trump’s nominee to run the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Bhattacharya secured the nomination in a party-line 53 to 47 vote. CONFIRMED: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as Director of the NIH. pic.twitter.com/DEBbpJQ0lU — Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 25, 2025 Fox News reports: A physician, Stanford professor of medicine and senior fellow at the university’s Institute for Economic Policy Research, Bhattacharya was a leading voice during the COVID-19 pandemic against lockdown measures and vaccine mandates. He was one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, a document published in October 2020 by a group of scientists advocating against widespread COVID lockdowns and promoting the efficacy of natural immunity for low-risk individuals as opposed to vaccination. Bhattacharya was probed by the Senate HELP Committee earlier this month over various issues related to his potential role as NIH director. However, for much of the hearing, he was forced to defend the president’s decision to cut certain research funds at NIH, including a 15% cap on indirect research costs, also known as facilities and administrative costs, dispersed by the NIH. Bhattacharya would not explicitly say he disagreed with the cuts, or that, if confirmed, he would step in to stop them. Rather, he said he would “follow the law,” while also investigating the effect of the cuts and ensuring every NIH researcher doing work that advances the health outcomes of Americans has the resources necessary. “I think transparency regarding indirect costs is absolutely worthwhile. It’s something that universities can fix by working together to make sure that where that money goes is made clear,” Bhattacharya said of the indirect costs going to universities, hospitals and research clinics from the NIH. BREAKING: Jay Bhattacharya was just confirmed as NIH Director by the Senate, 53-47. pic.twitter.com/Vcpn6HsxfJ — Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) March 25, 2025 The Senate voted to confirm Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University health economist and physician, to lead the National Institutes of Health https://t.co/0xF22ODN68 — Bloomberg (@business) March 25, 2025 From The Hill: He will take the reins of the largest funder of biomedical research in the world. The NIH funds almost $48 billion in scientific research through roughly 50,000 grants to more than 300,000 researchers across 2,500 universities, hospitals and other institutions. But the agency is reeling from actions by the Trump administration, including recent mass firings of agency staff, grant restrictions and other funding freezes and cuts. The White House is effectively waging a war on private universities, slashing their grants by $4 billion and defunding work on racial inequities and transgender care. Bhattacharya during his hearing said he understands science and public health have become politicized, and many in the public no longer trust health officials or experts. The NIH should support science that is “replicable, reproducible, and generalizable,” Bhattacharya said. “Unfortunately, much of modern biomedical science fails this basic test.” He also committed to following Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s goal to dial back work on infectious diseases and focus on chronic illness instead.