jandd429  shared a  post
4 yrs

As of August 31 2021...The United States has become the largest 'State Sponsor of Terrorism' After supplying the taliban with $90 Billion dollars worth of Military equipment. No such donation has ever been made to a terrorist organization in history. Obama first donated unknown billions to isil in Iraq, and now Biden has followed suit by giving them an Air Force. The known muslim Obama, is still spreading his policy whether the world knows it or not. We now plan to give financial aid to the taliban, which in turn will be enjoyed by al qaeda, hamas, and untold organizations of death. How much will 'True Americans' take... These cockroaches will be moving into a community near you and your children very soon. This planned migration is only happening in red states where their influence will be felt. The proof is there, and they don't give a shit who knows. You who read this are the so-called extremists to the ruling elites...
So the persecution begins... Amen
