Justice Comes to HHS: Trump Taps Kennedy
If you Google Robert F. Kennedy Jr., you’re assaulted by this nasty little description courtesy of Wikipedia: “Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (born January 17, 1954), also known by his initials RFK Jr., is an American politician, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and conspiracy theorist.”
But with the … nomination of Bobby Kennedy to HHS, those who need to be held accountable ought to be shaking in their boots.
That’s the opening line in what serves as the go-to bio on RFK Jr., unchanged for several years now, back to the COVID era. And as Kennedy told us at The American Spectator, the page is frozen. It will not accept edits — or corrections — from him or his staff. When I interviewed Bobby Kennedy Jr. at our annual gala of The American Spectator at the National Press Club in September (click here to watch), I asked him about censorship and that ugly smear of his good name and life of work in public health. Here’s a portion of his response:
A nation that can silence, a government that can silence its opponents, has license for every atrocity…. The free flow of information is the sunlight, the soil, the water, the air, the fertilizer for a democracy. If you strangle free speech, democracy also dies….
[T]hey dutifully removed my entire Instagram account, a million followers…. Everything that I ever put up I sourced and cited the government databases or peer-reviewed publications. They said, “Well, you know some of this is actually not factually erroneous.” The White House had to devise a new term called “malinformation,” which is information that is factually correct but nevertheless inconvenient for the government….
I’ve always said, “Show me where I got it wrong.” Because, you know what I would do if I got something wrong? I would correct it. So just show me the fact — that’s what I said repeatedly to Instagram when they took me down. I said, “Show me one thing I got wrong, that you think I got wrong,” and they would not do it.
Kennedy laid out the tentacles of a public-private “censorship industrial complex” designed to control Americans’ speech and thought and to violate their First Amendment freedoms.
That censorship of Kennedy, the smears if not outright calumny, pushed him away from the party of his family. The party and ideology of vax and mask mandates pushed him toward the Republicans and Donald Trump. To borrow from Ronald Reagan, he didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left him.
It mistreated RFK Jr. callously, abusively, even perilously. The Biden administration unconscionably, indefensibly refused to provide him with Secret Service protection, despite multiple threats to his life. Such protection has been standard practice for presidential candidates since the assassination of Kennedy’s father in June 1968.
I wrote about that egregious refusal several times and talked to Kennedy about it at the gala. What he told us (listen at the 30-minute mark) is chilling.
Likewise outrageous was the liberals’ mistreatment of Kennedy and all Americans during COVID. These advocates of “diversity,” “tolerance,” and “my body, my choice,” tried to force everyone to get the jab, the mRNA clot-shot. They coerced you even if you already had COVID and thus had natural immunity, even if you had a statement from your doctor saying the shot could be hazardous to your health (particularly if you survived a bad bout of COVID and had sky-high antibodies), and even if you invoked your rights of religious freedom and conscience.
Liberals who champion bodily autonomy morphed into authoritarians, demanding you get the shot or lose your job, leave the military, resign the police force or as an EMT, withdraw from your college. They snidely and stupidly put quote marks around “natural immunity,” as if it were some sort of bizarre novelty invented by “anti-science” crackpots. They displayed a stunning ignorance of basic biology and medicine.
Folks like RFK Jr. who spent years studying public health were suddenly pariahs — laughable heretics for questioning the prevailing orthodoxy. They were de-platformed by cancel-culture thugs for spreading “misinformation” and a new circumlocution “malinformation,” with no recourse or ability to protest.
Some faceless twit behind a computer screen in Silicon Valley held the power to block them and render their information “false.” And there was nothing they could do about it. Kennedy was one of many such victims. Joe Rogan was another, accused of treating himself with “horse dewormer,” the liberals’ idiotic caricature of Ivermectin.
I experienced this treatment myself, which was ironic. Readers might recall that in 2020-21 I had written a lot about President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed to develop and fast-track a vaccine, which I fully supported. I assumed that a traditional, conventional vaccine would be developed and that people certainly wouldn’t be coerced into being injected against their will.
My pre-politics background was in the field of medicine, and specifically immunology. I worked for the organ-transplant team of pioneering surgeon Dr. Thomas Starzl at the University of Pittsburgh from 1987-91. I did research on the so-called “miracle drug” (initially codenamed FK 506) that revolutionized and resolved the overwhelming immunosuppressant challenges involved in transplantation. I know vaccines. I wrote here about Dr. Jonas Salk’s historic development of the Polio vaccine at the University of Pittsburgh.
All of which is to say that I was shocked when I learned that leading Big Pharma companies cooked up their vaccine from mRNA rather than traditional, reliable, safe, tried and true and tested technology. I was aghast when I saw that liberals wanted to unnecessarily vax even those who had COVID and thus had natural immunity, and despite frightening reports of horrific side effects experienced by people who received the shots, especially young people.
I know of a tragic case near me in the Pittsburgh area of a teenage girl whose heart went so haywire within 48 hours after receiving the jab against her will that she had to undergo an emergency heart transplant. Yes, a heart transplant! She went through hell. Her health is forever compromised.
Golden Opportunity With Kennedy at the Helm
Bobby Kennedy knew of similar travesties. And that’s why his appointment at HHS is so exciting. He has the knowledge, courage, and now the opportunity to uncover what happened with these drug companies and those who aided and abetted them during the reign of COVID madness, including countless Human Resources bullies who have never answered for their assault on employees’ civil rights. The vax fanatics who perpetuated this form of medical authoritarianism, forcing you against your will to do unnecessary harm to your health, need to be held accountable. Justice has never been served.
Had Kamala Harris been elected — she who morphed from opposing “Trump’s vaccine” to coercing others to get the jab once her party took power — no one would have ever been held accountable. But with the election of Donald Trump and nomination of Bobby Kennedy to HHS, those who need to be held accountable ought to be shaking in their boots.
The handmaidens of Faucism denounced RFK Jr. as a conspiracy theorist; let him now unravel the silent conspiracies among those who concealed data on the harm caused by their “vaccines.” Kennedy needs to expose what his ally and our good friend at The American Spectator, Dr. Rand Paul, dubs the Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up. (Senator Paul gave the brilliant keynote address at our September gala, speaking prior to RFK Jr., who called Rand Paul a “personal hero” of his.)
It’s time for justice. Time to uncover the truth and prevent such madness from happening again.
I’ll conclude with a key concern regarding RFK Jr.’s confirmation process and potential voices of opposition among conservatives who don’t like his position on abortion.
There’s no issue more important to me than abortion. And though Bobby Kennedy Jr. would not be deemed a pro-lifer, he’s not a radical pro-choicer. He has said that every abortion is a tragedy. But more to my point in this article, Kennedy doesn’t want the HHS position in order to be a Kamala-like pal of Planned Parenthood. That is categorically not his focus. It isn’t even on his radar. His concern is Big Pharma, Big Food, to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA), and to expose what crimes occurred under the siege of the COVID vax/mask fanatics.
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The post Justice Comes to HHS: Trump Taps Kennedy appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.