Comment on How a Planner Helps Me Maintain My Preps by Glitter Girl

Comment on How a Planner Helps Me Maintain My Preps by Glitter Girl

After prepping for many years and collecting tons of printed information, I decided to edit and compile all of the paperwork into handwritten notebooks. (I tend to learn best by physically writing information down.) A notebook with an orange cover is dedicated to suggested kit checklists, a notebook with a green cover holds information on anything food-related, a notebook with a blue cover holds various prepping notes, and a notebook with a red cover holds all of the suggestions of skills to learn and things I need to purchase. On the inside of each notebook cover, I print out an index of the information topics held within. I keep a binder that holds my all of my inventory sheets and where items are located, and a binder for all things gardening. I’m guessing most people would say it’s overkill, but it’s just the way my brain works when it comes to organizing information. ?