CelesteSolum: The Lair of the Dragon! - United Nations NWO Takeover

CelesteSolum: The Lair of the Dragon! - United Nations NWO Takeover

CelesteSolum: The Lair of the Dragon! - United Nations NWO Takeover *** (I am working on a Big Video Project about the United Nations Transhuman AI Beast System, and just dropping some related videos that I am coming across. Stay Tuned, Hard Core Truth is on it's way.) *** 6,490 views September 2024 CelesteSolum - This is a very special report. This is the Lair of the Dragon. This was about 10 - 15 days ago, I found the Lair of the Dragon. It was at that point that the Lord gave me a series of revelations along with documentation. This is dedicated to Robert Duncan. - Celestial Report, Celeste Solum, Lair of the Dragon, Government, New World Order, NWO, Satan, One World Government, Revelation, Bible, prophecy, God - Subscribe https://celestialreport.com/checkout/new?o=35743 - Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/celestialrakiya Celestial Report: https://celestialreport.com/ LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/celestesolum1 Celeste’s Articles: https://shepherdsheart.life/blogs/news - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES MIrrored From: https://rumble.com/user/CelesteSolum