Hacking the PSP – by Brian Lesyk

Hacking the PSP – by Brian Lesyk

Psst! Hey, you! Yeah, you. Over here. I see you like PSPs. Wanna learn a secret? That thing can do so much more than you probably know, but, like, don’t tell Sony I told you this, okay? Let’s keep this between us, alright? This info ain’t exactly street legal, ya know. But first, a little backstory… How a Lunch Break Led to a Jailbreak I bought my first Sony PlayStation Portable handheld back when it originally debuted in 2005. While I enjoyed it quite a bit in the years that followed, I eventually stowed it away in the depths of my gaming collection. After all, games and memory cards were relatively expensive at the time, so my PSP game library remained somewhat small. Fast-forward a few years. I was walking the assembly line at a truck manufacturing…. Read the rest of this article on page 18 by clicking here!       Be sure to sign up to get Old School Gamer Magazine for free by clicking here! The post Hacking the PSP – by Brian Lesyk appeared first on Old School Gamer Magazine.