Rep. Thomas Massie Reintroduces ONE PAGE Bill To Terminate The Federal Dept. of Education

Rep. Thomas Massie Reintroduces ONE PAGE Bill To Terminate The Federal Dept. of Education

You just have to love Rep. Thomas Massie. There is no one in Congress I trust more than Massie, although admittedly that is a very low bar. Proving once again that he’s one of the good guys, Massie just reintroduced HR 899, a one-page and even one-sentence Bill that would terminate the Federal Department of Education and return power back to teachers and parents: I just reintroduced H.R. 899, a one sentence bill to TERMINATE the federal department of education and return power back to teachers and parents. This is it, the entire bill: — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) January 31, 2025 Here’s a closer look at the Bill: Yes! This is the way! Simple one-page, one-topic Bills. Get the Federal Government OUT of education! Brilliant! Now to the question of why do this? Simple: because the Dept. of Education has been an abject failure! “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.” The United States has tanked in K-12 Education ever since the introduction of the Dept. of Education.  Everything the Government touches turns to sh*t. U.S. Education Rankings in International Comparisons 1979: Establishment of the U.S. Department of Education The U.S. Department of Education was established under President Jimmy Carter. There wasn’t a specific international ranking for this year, as systematic global comparisons of education were not yet in place. Standardized international assessments, like PISA, were introduced later to track educational performance globally. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2000: First PISA assessment conducted. Reading: U.S. ranked 15th among 27 OECD countries. Math: U.S. ranked 19th (below average). Science: U.S. ranked 14th. 2003: U.S. maintained similar middle-tier rankings. 2006: Science performance improved slightly, but math scores remained below many OECD countries. 2009, 2012, 2015: Scores remained relatively consistent with minor fluctuations, but the U.S. did not reach top global rankings. 2018: Reading: U.S. ranked 8th. Math: U.S. ranked 30th. Science: U.S. ranked 11th. 2022: Math: 25 countries outperformed the U.S. Science: 9 countries outperformed the U.S. Reading: Only 5 countries had higher scores than the U.S. Note: PISA assessments have been delayed due to global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) Conducted in various years (e.g., 2015, 2019). U.S. students generally performed better in TIMSS compared to PISA. 2019 Results: Fourth and eighth graders in the U.S. scored higher than most participating countries in both math and science. Other Assessments & Rankings U.S. News & World Report (2020): Ranked the U.S. as #1 in education based on perceptions rather than strictly academic performance. Business Insider (2018): Ranked U.S. students 38th in global education. Different organizations use varied metrics, leading to diverse conclusions. General Trends & Observations The U.S. is known for having some of the best universities globally. However, its K-12 education system ranks middle to lower-middle compared internationally, particularly in math and science. Concerns about U.S. education rankings have been widely discussed since the late 20th century.