Everyone Will Be Building Bookcases Like This Now!
I built the ultimate secret bookcase! Go to for a free sample pack with any purchase! Burglars hate me for showing how to build this secret door cabinet. DIY hidden door bookcases are nothing new, but I took this one to the next level with 4 secret doors, a hidden desk, secret book locks, and secret compartments. If thieves do find the hidden doors there is one last surprise! ? Listen to HAXMAN music free here ? ? ? Every listen helps feed a Haxman child! ? ? Check out the secret space I built in my backyard! ? Neighbors Hate Me For Showing You This! The hinges I used ? MURPHY DOOR Hinge Secret latch ? Burglars Hate Me For Showing You This! ? I hope to inspire you to create your own projects at home. If I can do it so can you! I want you to know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Learn how to become self-reliant and have fun doing it!