Woman Hiding From Friendly Deer Gets Unexpected Surprise Right Over Her Shoulder!

Woman Hiding From Friendly Deer Gets Unexpected Surprise Right Over Her Shoulder!

When a Twitch streamer was walking through Nara Park in Japan, she discovered the existence of wildlife. Specifically, she spotted a deer ambling along, minding its own business. She slid up behind a low wall to hide from the “wild” animal and crouched down. She peeked over the wall while wearing a deer antler headband. The deer was still slowly walking by. Something moved over her shoulder as she crouched back down to wait it out. She turned, only to find herself face-to-face with a second deer, giving her a healthy jump scare. Twitch Streamer hiding from Deer at Nara Park in Japan gets jump scared by one creeping up behind her pic.twitter.com/ZIm1XvzMk5— ryan (@scubaryan_) January 19, 2025 Chances are that you laughed at this young woman, and you probably jumped when the deer scared her. This scenario could not have been scripted any better. Deer in the wild are usually pretty docile. She probably wasn’t in danger, aside from the adrenaline rush from the jump scare that perhaps scared the deer, too. You should expect an occasional jump scare when you interact with wild animals. Another “innocent” victim wanted to get up close and personal with a squirrel. To lure the squirrel over to her, she performs a weird arm movement, waving at the little critter. He seems intrigued and stops to watch this odd human. The squirrel stops at her feet, looking up innocently, with its paws in front of it. Most people know he is waiting for a peanut. There was no peanut. In a flash, the squirrel dropped into pounce position and launched at her face. Creating another worthy jump scare. Next time, bring a peanut or two. Our final jump scare is more cute than jumpy. As the camera pans over the edge of a basket, a spicy little possum jumps at the camera! @viralhog The cutest jump scare #Opossum #Spicy #Adorable #ViralHog ♬ original sound – ViralHog – ViralHog Please share. You can find the source of this story’s featured image here. The post Woman Hiding From Friendly Deer Gets Unexpected Surprise Right Over Her Shoulder! appeared first on InspireMore.