Jonathan Cahn: The Mystery of the Return of Trump
I know how many of you enjoy message from Jonathan Cahn (like me) and especially when they’re about President Trump.
So boy oh boy do I have a good one for you today.
Instead of trying to summarize it for you, I’ll just let you listen directly from Jonathan Cahn, or you can read the full transcript below in case that’s easier for you:
Jonathan Cahn:
As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders—male and female. Trump is back, and he’s stronger than ever. There’s never been an inauguration like this one. There’s never been a political comeback like this one. There’s never been a moment in American history like this one.
The media is going crazy, Hollywood is depressed, the left is having a meltdown, and the establishment is in panic mode. The return of Donald Trump—what does it mean? There is a shift, there’s a change, but what is actually happening? Is it a revolution? Is it prophetic?
Is it biblical? Is it going to change America, turn back America’s fall, or not? What does it mean for the future? Is there actually a revelation in the Bible that tells us what it all means and what it has to do with you? I’ve been asked to speak about this, and I’m going to address everything. I’m going to show you a prophetic mystery behind all of it that we need to know—that is coming true now more than ever.
We’re going to start by opening up what happened at the inauguration, then we’re going to open up the biblical Revelation that tells us where we are, where we’re going, and what we need to know. It’s all going to lead up to the prophetic mystery, so stay tuned up to the end so you don’t miss it. I was in Washington for the inauguration, and on the day of the inauguration, NPR—National Public Radio, the government-run NPR—decided to broadcast throughout America on their news program a piece having to do with me and the issue of Donald Trump. I’m going to play it for you.
We’re going to open up a lot. This is Jonathan KH, first to answer what’s happening. There are fake Jonathan KH sites all over; there are even now fake AI Jonathan KH sermons that I never gave, but using my voice—they take interviews or messages I did and put up titles that have nothing to do with the message “The End of the World” just to draw you in to make money. They’re all fake sites—I guess imitation is a form of flattery—but this is the real Jonathan KH, and this is the real official Jonathan KH site. It’s the only real site and channel.
So if you’re not getting the messages I post here—the prophetic messages, mysteries, teachings, and words—be sure not to miss them. Make sure you hit subscribe now, and I think you’re going to want to send this message or link to those you want to see it or need to see it. Just remember to do that. You can hit like to get more prophetic updates, free gifts, mysteries, or be part of the end-time purpose of God. Just go to hopeoftheworld.org—it’s hopeoftheworld.org.
For those of you who don’t have my books—from The Harbinger to The Paradigm, to The Return of the Gods and The Dragon’s Prophecy—you can get them almost everywhere, anywhere online from Amazon or anywhere else. Okay, I just shared this message, this Revelation, and you’re going to see it recorded live at my congregation, Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey. I’ll come back with you at the end, so here it is: Daniel 2:21.
He changes the times and seasons; he removes kings and he establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He removes kings and he places kings in power. In Washington, it was freezing, as it was here—Arctic weather. Where’s global warming when you need it? You know, we could use it.
Everybody was indoors, but Washington was filled with believers. I mean, I would say everyone was indoors, but there were people walking around—lots of believers. That has to tell you something. Something’s happening; it has to do with God. There was a change in the air. Even the protesters in the last inauguration of Trump—and I was there—Washington was filled with masses and masses of protesters.
The Women’s March, Madonna, threatening to blow up the White House—this time it was a small shell of a demonstration, actually, near my hotel. I felt sorry for them, you know, as Donald Trump would say: “Very sad, very sad thing.” You know, the day started out with a church service. Now, I don’t know about that church—how biblical or unbiblical it may be—but I had to say something.
Jeff, Jeff Bezos of Amazon was there; Tim Cook of Apple; Sundar Pichai of Google; Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook/Meta—all went to church. Now, think about that: because of Donald Trump, they all went to church. Anybody who could get those together to church—that alone is a miracle. And the media, of course—they had their motives, we all know that—but the media went crazy.
All these billionaire oligarchs, techs, are now with Trump, but they had no problem when the same people were with Biden. And Joe Biden, in his last speech, warned of a rich oligarchy unduly influencing democracy, perhaps. But it’s interesting, since Joe Biden gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to probably the main billionaire oligarch who’s been unduly affecting democracy—which is George Soros. Joe Biden also gave the Medal of Freedom to people who advocate for the destruction of gender.
This happened just before the end of his term and killing babies. Speaking of which, the most prominent abortion leader in America—the head of Planned Parenthood for the last period, Cecil or Cesal Richards—died on the same day that Trump was sworn in. Was that a sign? The New York Times could not help itself, you know, how they headlined the inauguration of Donald Trump. They said, in effect, “A felon is sworn in as president.”
Now, do you know that Joe Biden had to drop out of one of his first presidential bids because he was plagiarizing speeches of a British politician? He took the speeches of a British leader—political leader—and used them, which is bad enough, but it made no sense to use it. It’s kind of saying there was no substance there. But when Joe Biden was inaugurated, the New York Times did not run a headline saying “Plagiarizer sworn in as president.” It is a biased media.
But if you were looking for the New York Times and the media to be unbiased, you’re new to this planet. Franklin Graham prayed in one of the inauguration prayers, and he said something that you’ve heard me say several times—and I was really glad he said it. He said, “America cannot be great again if America turns away from God,” and that’s so crucial to everything of where we are.
Joe Biden was right there, having to listen to Donald Trump talk about the last four years—he didn’t look happy. Kamala Harris didn’t look happy either; her husband didn’t look happy; Barack Obama didn’t look happy; his wife was so unhappy she didn’t show up. Hillary Clinton looked kind of stone-faced—not happy. Bill Clinton looked bewildered; George W. Bush looked amused.
The only Democrat who didn’t look miserable was Jimmy Carter, ’cause he was dead and he wasn’t there. Everybody else was miserable. It was noted that when Donald Trump was sworn in, he didn’t have his hand on the Bible, and so that is, uh, you know—believers noted it; other people, but he didn’t. But he was ready—it was not intentional. He was going to put his hand on the Bible; he had his mother’s Bible and Lincoln’s Bible, and Milani was holding both, and he forgot he was told, “Raise your hand.” He was not told to put his hand on the Bible, but it was amazing because the media and the wing attacked him for not putting his hand on the Bible.
The same media that cared about putting his hand on the Bible spends most of its year attacking what’s inside the Bible. You know, speaking of which, Barack Obama put his hand on the Bible; Joe Biden put his hand on the Bible, and then they went off and went against most of what’s in the Bible. I’d rather have someone who doesn’t put his hand on the Bible but actually upholds what’s inside the Bible than someone who does but attacks it. I mean, I listen, and I wish he would have put his hand on the Bible—I hope that’s not a sign.
But the thing is, what’s more important is what you do. His speech was powerful. I’ve never seen an inauguration speech with such specific vows. The media called it dark. One cable news channel, I think it was MSNBC, said Trump was painting the world dark and apocalyptic—like a cult leader—and I’m thinking, really, if I remember correctly, I believe it was the media and the Democratic Party—and Hollywood—that just a little while ago was saying for months that it’s going to be the end of democracy, end of America, basically apocalypse.
Let’s open up with what he said: “I’m just going to go on a few points of what he said. The scales of justice will be rebalanced; the vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end.” What was he talking about? What did it mean? Something very real, and for some people very scary. It says in Isaiah 5, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” Now that’s a profound principle.
To call evil good is to accept sin, is to endorse sin, is to celebrate abomination—to call death life, to call darkness light—that is what has been happening. But what it’s saying is that this phenomenon of calling evil good, or accepting sin, is going to be matched by another phenomenon, which is calling good evil—that is, to call light darkness, to call morality immorality, to call love hate, life death, freedom oppression—the two will always go together.
The same culture that tolerates sin will become intolerant of God and of righteousness and of His people. The same culture that treats abomination as sacred is going to treat what is sacred as an abomination. So calling evil good looks like tolerance, but then it’s going to call good evil, which is cancel culture. We’ve been moving from the first stage to the second stage. An interesting Isaiah says, “They’ll call evil good”—that’s the first thing he says.
The second thing is, “They will call good evil,” and that’s how it goes. We are in that second stage for the last few years, particularly from the Obama years onward, more so now in the last several years. We watched as the arms of the government—the Department of Justice, the FBI, organizations that were traditionally conservative—have become agents against what is conservative, even against Christians. Donald Trump experienced this firsthand when he said he had lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit.
Now, I’m not getting into the details of that, but the point is he was convicted of 34 C felonies because of a bookkeeping reference that they combined creatively with another law that they had never used this way to put him as such, while they also release murderers on the streets. That is not the scales of justice being balanced. The Department of Justice has been weaponized in the past few years. It has spied on Catholic meetings; it has called parents who speak up at school board meetings against a woke or immoral agenda domestic terrorists.
It has raided the homes of pro-life activists—the home of a pro-life father in front of his family with about 20 agents with guns. They have put pro-life grandmothers on trial for protesting the killing of unborn children with passive resistance, which is used all over the place. They’ve put those grandmothers in prison, and some of them were facing 11 years in prison for a protest. That is the fact: this is what the administration weaponized. These are the dangerous criminals—the ones the administration has considered put on trial, brought to prison because they protested peacefully against the killing of babies.
At the same time, pro-life ministries and pro-life churches have been attacked and vandalized—something like 200 of them—and do you know how many people the Department of Justice has prosecuted? Somewhere around zero. Trump is totally right about that. And if that kept going—that this was going to lead to persecution, state-sponsored persecution… All right, let’s play the next clip.
We have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves—in many cases, to hate our country—despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly. What is this about? The American public school system, which used to lead American children in the Lord’s Prayer all across America, now indoctrinates them. It is also weaponized against God by the Department of Education.
It indoctrinates them into a woke ideology against what America stood for, against what the word of God stands for, and against what they are created for. It’s like what happens in a revolution when the revolution takes over a school system and indoctrinates the children against everything they have known. It’s interesting—he said teachers, he says it teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, not just America—but I believe this goes far. This is about being ashamed to be a boy or a girl.
The school system is responsible for mutilating children, hiding their transitioning of children from their parents, and taking away, in some cases, the children from the parents when the parents say no. The idea—listen, Trump is radical; the idea that he’s going to eliminate the Board of Education—whether he can, it sounds radical—but you know what? This board of education is radical and is destroying a generation of children. So, you know, I’m not going to mourn if he does that; maybe the most humane thing could be that we’ll see, after years and years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I will also sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America.
Free speech—wouldn’t that be amazing? That would be an issue in America because America’s always been founded on free speech. Free speech—he’s actually right; it’s been happening. This most basic value has actually been under attack for the last several years. If you haven’t noticed, speech is being censored, canceled, deplatformed, suppressed, repressed. What they found is that speech which is censored is overwhelmingly a certain kind of speech—conservative and Christian.
It’s happening in the school systems, happening in the government, happening in the media, happening in culture, happening in the corporate world, happening on the web. And if you—the government and a left-wing government—has increasingly been calling for the censoring of free speech, including this last generation we’ve dealt with, we’ve dealt with censorship several times. Many believers—I know even those who have the greatest reach on the web—have all dealt with being censored, and this election was bringing it to a head. You know, the Biden administration was for more censorship; so was Kamala Harris; so was Tim Waltz—each one of them were from the…
The young generation has been so indoctrinated that they are the generation in American history that is least in favor of free speech of any generation. But he said it ends now. This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. Social engineering—what is that? It means the government is seeking to engineer society, manipulate it to become what it wants. In the past few years, wokeism has taken control of virtually every major institution of government and culture, with the only holdout really being the born-again evangelical church—to the point of lunacy, where an airline actually boasted that it was basing its choice of pilots on what gender they were or their ethnicity or minority group status.
Now, I go on a lot of planes. When I go on a plane, I’m not interested in what ethnic group the pilot is—I’m interested that he knows how to fly a plane. Do you get the best qualified people to do something that can save or end your life, or do you hire the less qualified person because of their ethnicity? That’s lunacy; it’s absurd. It has never been what this nation was about. It’s actually more to the realm of socialism and Marxism when the government seeks to engineer society. Trump said it’s over, and I will sign an order to stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty—it’s going to end immediately.
What is that? Is the Army being indoctrinated? I once wrote about this a few years ago, and somebody who had been in the Army said, “How can you say that about the Army?” I showed them, then I said, “Look, this is produced by the Army.” This is another traditionally conservative institution—I mean, it exists to protect or defend—and that, particularly since the Obama administration, has increasingly been subject to a woke takeover, woke indoctrination. In one Army training center, the male soldiers were forced to walk around in ladies’ high heels to learn what it is; in another, soldiers were taught that dangerous terrorists include Christian nationalists and pro-life protesters. An Army training center even taught soldiers that they were forced to celebrate transgender pride month and altered sexuality.
The Department of Defense posted multiple posters—this is what I showed—a former soldier celebrating rainbow pride. Donald Trump said it’s going to end immediately. Soldiers are going to do what they’re supposed to do, which is to defend, fight, and win. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female. Amazing that that would even have to be spoken at an inauguration. It would be like saying, from now on, the government recognizes that the sky is blue or that we are subject to the law of gravity.
But this shows you the degree of insanity that has been taking over our culture, which is what happens when you go away from God. If you get away from the Creator, you fall away from the creation and reality. In past times, if a person said there was no real male or female, they would be considered insane. Now it’s become the mantra of our culture—the elimination of males and females—affecting the classroom, department stores, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, children’s programming. I brought my son to the doctor, and the form they gave me—and the doctor is a Christian—but the form for that, they gave me said “sex assigned at birth.”
Nobody assigns sex any more than someone assigns species, human, but that’s how far it has gone. It’s like a… it’s like a re-… it’s like a Marxist revolution that’s taken over the culture. You know what it’s like? It’s like the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. The emperor is convinced that he’s wearing special invisible clothes; he walks around naked, and everybody goes along with it until a child says, “The emperor has no clothes,” and the spell is broken. It’s as if everybody’s going along with this falsehood, under a spell or afraid of breaking it, until somebody says, “The emperor has no clothes.” It’s all a lie—it all goes against reality.
In this case, it was the president who said the emperor has no clothes; there was only male and female. There has only ever been male and female. God will use whom God will use, and that brings us to something else. In everything we do, my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting success. We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God.
You can’t do that well when American mainstream culture has already forgotten its God—that’s why we’re in the mess we’re in. When you forget the Creator, you forget the creation. It’s written in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident—that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” When you take away the Creator, you ultimately take away life, you ultimately lose liberty, freedom, and even happiness. You see, it’s really all about God. It’s really all about the falling away from God.
And that brings us to what the New York Times op-ed page said was the key and central line of the entire inauguration. This is the New York Times saying, “This was the key for them, and in the opposite way for us.” Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear. But I felt then—and believe even more so now—that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.
I just noticed, for the first time, that Joe Biden and the Democrats—they weren’t happy about his life being saved. They stayed down—I don’t know—the New York Times hated it. They spoke of him as being arrogant and dangerous, but it’s right along with the gospel: we say we have been saved by God. The bullet missed his head by millimeters and by a fraction of a moment. Let’s just—look at this, look at that—that’s it, one second; it goes, “That’s it, that’s it.” He just turned his head—that was the hand of God that saved his life, and he knows it.
When I met him on that stage in Atlanta, he wasn’t arrogant, and those around him—and I know people who are very close to him—said he’s been humbled by what happened. You know, when he first ran for president it was different. It appears to be the grace of God that he was actually not president in the last few years because he’s been changed; he’s come back a whole different man. God saving his life was part of that—he’s changed—so it’s different. Soon after his life was saved, he said, “People are saying God saved my life for a purpose.” Now he’s saying, “God saved my life for a purpose.” Now he believes that, and what I’ve said—and many of you have believed—is, “It’s not about him.” We know that we don’t put our trust in anyone but God.
But he is a vessel—imperfect, flawed, wild—but a vessel that God has used. Do you remember? Have you ever, in an inauguration, heard the name of God being invoked so many times? Not in my lifetime—maybe George Washington, maybe Lincoln—I don’t know. And this by Donald Trump: “God will use whom He will use,” and he went forth from this. I’m sure you’ve been watching as he signed or fulfilled something like that first day: 200 executive orders and actions in a single half-day, and he is appointing—has appointed, is appointing—many Christians and followers of Jesus in the highest positions of government.
People who speak of their lives being changed by God—the ambassador to Israel, I was just with him; Mike Huckabee, a great man of God who loves God and loves Israel—to the United Nations, he’s appointing a defender of the Jewish people. LC Stefanic, at her hearing, was pressed by the Democrats and asked, “Do you believe that Israel has a Biblical right to the West Bank?” She said, “Yes, I do.” One of the most important positions in government is the Secretary of State. Marco is going to be Marco—it is Marco Rubio. Listen to Marco Rubio at the end of his acceptance speech—what he said: “Yes” to Secretary of State. Listen.
I want to end by thanking Almighty God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That is truly the singular purpose of our lives; it is our most important priority—the only thing that will matter when we take our last breath on this Earth. But this is an extraordinary opportunity that would not have been possible without God’s blessings. I’m honored and I’m privileged. He’s preaching—it was preaching. It’s going to be the most important thing at the end of our life.
Marco Rubio just issued an order that American embassies will henceforth no longer be flying the LGBT flag (the pride flag) but the stars and the stripes. Articles from these—just, it’s been like, what, three days? Three full days—from the second day of Trump’s executive order on defending women from gender ideology extremism; Trump, another one—Trump signs a ban on trans extremism, basing federal policy on the notion that truth is critical; Trump issues an executive order on ending federal censorship—some of the 200 directives that were the first eight—and there’s more. And then, while I’m writing this, another one came out—this was just yesterday.
Listen: Trump pardons 23 pro-life activists who were prosecuted for peaceful protests of abortion—that was yesterday. So look again, look again at them: these people are now free. These are now set free by what Trump is doing so fast that the media—the left-wing media—cannot even keep up with him. The moment it tries to attack one presidential order, he comes up with another one, less than a month—one month before the election—on the holiest day of the biblical year, the day appointed for the casting out of sin. We prayed specifically—many of you were there on the National Mall for the turning back of the woke agenda—we prayed specifically for that agenda.
Well, the return we prayed for, for all those things—but we pray we focus more on the killing of children. And that day, God started overturning the woke agenda. This one was focused more on that—the principality of Ishtar, that’s sexuality—that alteration, all those things. [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]. That was the altar of Ishtar that is linked to the whole agenda, and it was hard to see that it could ever be rolled back, but as a result of the prayers of God’s people—not just here, everywhere—and the grace of God that was on the day of Yom Kippur, when you cast out what shouldn’t be, here it’s kind of like Donald Trump is doing what we did then: he’s breaking that altar down.
What we are witnessing here is the crux of the matter. The Bible records what happens when a nation that has known God and His blessings turns against God, as did ancient Israel—it heads to judgment. But God also gives space, chances for that nation—a window, a reprieve—to turn back to Him. He did it with Hezekiah, righteous king, with Him breaking down the altars of the gods and turning his nation back to the Lord. He did it in the case of the righteous king Josiah, who broke down the altars of the gods and turned his nation back to God—a last chance just before judgment. It’s a window of time—a chance given again.
It’s not, necessarily, Donald Trump—we don’t know what he’s going to do. Things can go in any direction, but this is a window we have. This is a window, so far, it’s been pretty amazing. That brings us to this: I was in Washington, D.C., on the day of the inauguration, and National Public Radio—of all things, the left-wing, government-run NPR—on their news program, All Things Considered, broadcast a story for Trump’s inauguration. They named some familiar names among those comparing Trump to the 9th-century BC Israelite king, Yahu.
Jonathan Khan—a Messianic Jewish rabbi—[said:] “President Trump, you were born into this world to be a trumpet of God, a vessel of the Lord in the hands of God. God called you to walk according to the template; He called you according to the template of Juu, the warrior king. He called Juu to make his nation great again.” That story—and I’ll play you one more—it was against all that. It’s against all that he is taking what I shared eight days before the election when Trump was there. I’m honored that National Public Radio decided to broadcast my word to Donald Trump on their station on the day of the inauguration.
But notice—they didn’t include anything I said that actually shows the connection. But apparently, NPR is concerned about this J thing. He’s the king known for having a bloody coup and initiating a new era. His coup is against the line of Ahab, who is considered one of the evil kings of the north, and against Ahab’s wife Jezebel. It’s worth noting that evangelicals have compared both Trump’s presidential opponents, Hillary and Kamala Harris, to Jezebel. I didn’t say that they did—they said it. I didn’t—it’s worth noting that he says, actually, in the written article, it says, “Okay, that both President Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris were compared to Jezebel.”
Well, Jezebel happened to be the political opponent of J, so actually they’re saying it’s all lining up—that’s what they’re saying—that the opponents are linked this way, and they put in their own connection in the article. From that broadcast, it says: “The story of Juu, Ahab, and Jezebel can also be read as demonstrating a lack of tolerance for religious differences, since Jezebel was not an Israelite and Ahab allowed the worship of non-Israelite deities.” Do you realize what they’re saying? Do you realize what they’re doing? They’re saying that the story of Juu, Ahab, and Jezebel is actually about a lack of tolerance of religious differences. In other words, National Public Radio is saying, “Well, Jezebel was just a foreigner—an undocumented foreigner, I guess—that’s why they were against her.”
And that was the problem. J had no mention that she happened to go around murdering the prophets of Israel. Ahab—great guy, he allowed the worship of other things; you know, he was a tolerant guy—but they just happened to leave out that Baal worship meant the killing of babies, not important, or that both of them went around persecuting those who would not worship Baal—persecuting the people of God, calling good evil and killing them. According to the article, Ahab and Jezebel seem like a great couple—tolerant, nice people. You want to have them as next-door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Ahab and Jezebel—just don’t plant a vegetable garden or a vineyard because they might kill you if they want to. That’s another thing.
NPR is actually coming out as pro-Jezebel and pro-Ahab as they attack Juu as they hate Trump, and that really goes to show you something: that this agenda is actually linked to this very thing I first wrote of—the template of Donald Trump and Juu—in the book called The Paradigm. This thing, I got to tell you, the paradigm has not stopped. Right now, it’s on steroids; it’s continued to unfold—what’s happening right now, even what happened this very week when Juu came to power. He came in like a storm.
Listen to this Bible commentary on Juu: “He storms his way through 2 Kings 9 and 10 with fury and reckless abandon. Juu storms—using this word ‘storm’—stormed.” Now I want to show you the headlines of the New York Times on the day he won: “Trump storms back”—same, that’s Juu’s word. This is, you know, Juu says in Second Kings, “This is what the Lord said of me: ‘I have anointed you as king over Israel.’” Juu knew he was anointed by God to be a vessel of God. So, Trump now—now let’s see that again: “I was saved by God to make America great again.” That’s just what Juu said; he’s saying it’s a vessel.
2 Kings 9 says, “Then they hurried after him, and each man took out his garment, put it under him on bare steps, and blew the trumpet, saying, ‘Juu is king!’” Now, of course, Juu reigned as king over the throne. Trump is a president. A few months back, I had written the words as I was writing The Return of the King. Now look at what the New York Times just put out, like yesterday, about Trump: “The Return of the King: Trump Embraces the Trappings of the Throne.” That’s what they’re saying—they’re not happy about Trump, and they’re not happy about any power.
Almost everybody who’s been watching this has been amazed by the speed of what Trump is doing, and I’m not saying everything is necessarily right, but a lot of it is—and a lot of it is what no president has quite done before. Now listen to the words of a Bible commentary describing Juu, and think about what else it describes about him: “His fast driving was characteristic of him; he was impetuous, having a purpose. He rushed to fulfill it; he brought things to pass with energy, tenacity, and was capable of rapid decision-making. He had strong personal magnetism that coerced his associates into willing, even eager, subservience. His step was quick; he was not only rapid, he was precise. He never tired—his speedy pace was ceaseless.”
Well, that’s what we’re seeing now. What did Juu do with regard to the government, the house of Ahab, and the deep state of Israel? Now look: Second Kings—Juu purges Israel, the second king—saying, “Juu, who continues purging the house of Ahab…” Juu’s coronation and purge of Israel—Juu’s purge of Baal worship in Israel. That purge—you keep getting “purge” now. Look at the headlines from this week after Trump’s inauguration: “Trump kicks off his culture purge within an agency.” “Trump announces purge of a thousand Biden appointees—you’re fired, Donald Trump purges LGBTQ content from federal websites.”
“Unprecedented policy purge; Trump singles out attempts to dismantle Biden’s legacy; how a Trump presidency could lead to a purge at the Pentagon; Donald Trump ramps up his war with a woke purge on DOD workers—you’re fired.” Trump tells the appointees—the same word used of Juu—exactly what he did. And it’s interesting because I actually thought they were just saying it; he actually sealed the government document that said, “You’re fired.” Now, that’s from The Apprentice—could that have even been part of the mystery? He’s filling Juu with what he had on The Apprentice: “You’re fired.”
God is sovereign. 2 Kings 10 says, “Juu continues purging the house of Ahab.” Look at the headlines: “Trump continues government purge by dismantling DOD”—notice the word “dismantle” in “dismantling”—this is an article on Juu. One of Juu’s signal achievements is to dismantle the house of Baal—the house of Baal. Another Juu was one such king who was obedient to God in dismantling the wicked King Ahab—Juu, who dismantled the temple of Baal. Right now, Trump is dismantling. Now look, look at the headlines: if you have it—”Trump seeks, look at all that: dismantle, dismantle, dismantle, dismantle.” That is the word of Juu: “dismantle the deep, dismantle [the] demolition agenda.”
Well, Juu is the one who demolished the temple of Baal. It’s amazing. Another theme: they’re afraid that Trump will exact retribution or vengeance. Well, read about Juu—the first time Juu is mentioned in the Bible is when, and I’m not saying that any kind of retribution is good, but God is also sovereign. When God speaks to Elijah at Mount [Sal]—that’s the first time Juu comes in the Bible—and he says, “Listen, Elisha will put to death whoever escapes the sword of Juu.” He calls it the sword of Juu. Now, on the night of the inaugural ball, look what happened: he’s literally holding a sword.
When have you seen a president hold a sword on the night of his inauguration? The sword of 2 Kings 19—the sword of Juu. Now, listen to what the Bible commentary says and think of what Trump is doing right now: Juu is anointed as king, a key figure in fulfilling God’s judgment against the house of Ahab. His role is to execute divine judgment. Juu’s actions are a direct response to the idolatry and evil of Ahab’s lineage, as prophesied by Elijah. The sword symbolizes judgment and the execution of divine will. It is anointed as king over Israel. Juu is tasked with the eradication of the house of Ahab and purging Baal worship from Israel.
His zeal for the Lord commands is both commendable and cautionary. The sword, it says, is symbolic of judgment and divine retribution—the sword represents God’s judgment executed through human agents. Juu, an agent of judgment, purging and cleansing. One may want to understand what’s happening right now. It’s not about people; it’s about God using instruments to accomplish His will. It would take a gigantic effort to roll back what has been taking over America. Listen here: Juu’s role highlights the theme of divine retribution and the purging of idolatry from Israel.
The one who escapes the sword of Juu—that goes on now—is a reminder that God could use anything to accomplish His purpose. Now, this is from today’s New York Times front page. The headline says, “Trump 2.0 bans, purges, and retribution.” Wow—Juu elevated. He put people of faith, people of God, into positions of power. Trump is doing the same. Juu was feared by the opposition, so is Trump. Even the talking heads at NPR said, “He [Juu] is a king known for initiating a new era.”
Well, Trump said the same thing at his inauguration: he said it’s a new era. At the same time, listen: we have to note Juu was a mix; he did the will of God, but not in everything. There were different motives. Note that the definition of life—what we have to pray for—was removed from the Republican platform. The definition of marriage was removed from the Republican platform. Now, he might have done it to get in and do something, but we have to pray for the president that he will be a better Juu—not only to be an instrument of God but one who is truly filled with God.
We have to fully recognize that God uses vessels, and we have to pray for those vessels at the same time. Our trust and our hope is in God alone. What does that mean for us? What is the message for us? This is a reprieve—a window, even more important than Trump’s—because American apostasy, America’s insanity, has advanced. This agenda has advanced to the point that now one-third of all young Americans—Generation Z—do not consider themselves to be heterosexual anymore. There’s something else: one out of three. If that doesn’t change, the future doesn’t change.
Neither the vessel is the answer nor the window is the answer, but the vessel can be used for the answer, and the window can be used as an opening for the answer to come. Trump is a vessel. The vessel is not the answer; the answer is what comes through Juu, who will roll back the apostasy of His nation. He gives them time; he gives them a chance to turn back to God. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again tonight: the only thing that can save America is God, and the only means to save it—the only agenda—is revival.
Am I saying that in the reign of Juu—with all the changes, with the ending of Baal and child sacrifice—that revival will happen? We don’t know. After Juu, the nation resumed its fall ultimately to destruction and judgment. So here’s the thing: God, by His grace, has given us a window for America and for each of us. We don’t know if we’re going to have that again. We cannot sit back; we cannot become compliant and complacent. We cannot replace our faith in God with a faith in government or any other thing.
We need to use every moment we have in the window we’ve been given in this new day to go all out—full-on, total—in the will of God, in the holiness of God, in the spreading of the gospel, in being bold in God, in ministering for God, in making disciples of all nations, by the Spirit of God, and in touching every realm of our culture for God. At the same time, knowing that only revival, the gospel, and the turning of hearts can save America. I’ve said this before; you’ve heard it—I’m saying it again: if we change the government but we don’t change the hearts, then unchanged hearts will change the government back.
If we have a window of religious freedom and we don’t go through it, it’s the same as having no window at all. If we have a window to preach the gospel and we don’t preach the gospel, it’s like having no window at all. If we’ve been given a second chance and we don’t use it, it’s the same as having no second chance. We need to pray for revival, to live for revival, to work for revival, and to press on in revival as we have never done before. We must pray for the president that he will truly go all out for God this time.
How does revival start? It starts with each of us. If we commit to seeking God for revival in our own lives—going all out, on fire, in love, totally for God—then for our world, after that, there is no telling what God will do. There is no “yes, can this be a golden age?” except by the presence, the power, and the word of God. For the gospel says that the gospels shall yet be proclaimed to all nations, the Spirit of God will yet be poured out on all flesh.
Let us pray that God will have His way in the White House and in Congress and in this nation—that He will not just open a window in education, a window in government, but that God will blow through that window and His people will go through with the gospel through this government to the people, and through each of us. For the Lord says, “Prepare the way, prepare the way, prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Let every valley be lifted up; let every mountain and hill be cast down; let the crooked ways become straight and the rough ways plain; and let the glory of the Lord be revealed, and all flesh see it.”
Together, in the name of Yeshua the Messiah—the King above all kings, the Lord above all lords, and America’s one and only true hope—to Him be the glory. Okay, if this message blesses you, think of people in your life who need to see it. Just send them the link or hit like, and if you’re not getting these messages, just hit subscribe now. For more on this mystery, check out the book The Paradigm, also The Return of the Gods, and the newest book The Dragon’s Prophecy, or any other book—just go online; they’re everywhere: Amazon, everywhere else, or wherever books are sold—to get the free gifts, prophetic updates, see all my teachings, and more, to be part of the end-time purposes of God. Just go to hopeoftheworld.org—the links are in the description. Hopeoftheworld.org.
Okay, we’ve got a window. Let’s go through it—let’s rise to it: Pray for the president, pray for the government, pray for America, pray for revival, and choose to live in revival. Most importantly, proclaim the gospel; be bold and be strong in the Almighty and until next time. This is Jonathan Khan—be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Shalom.
Hi, I’m Jonathan KH, and I hope you were blessed by the video. Make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted. Feel free to share your reactions in the comments and tell me how you were blessed, and share this video with your friends. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
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