“We All Love Each Other” – Kid Rock Says Half His Band Is “Liberal, Gay Or Black”

“We All Love Each Other” – Kid Rock Says Half His Band Is “Liberal, Gay Or Black”

Kid Rock may be the poster boy for Conservative politics in the music industry, but according to him, it’s far more nuanced than shooting up a case of Bud Light would lead you to believe. Often labeled a racist, homophobic, and every other label progressives like to place on anyone who disagrees with them, Kid Rock’s band and crew are actually quite diverse. I mean, we’re talking about a guy who got his start in the rap/rock world of Detroit, and one whose relationship with his father was strained when he fathered a child with a black woman. Do most people know that? I don’t think so. Kid Rock’s father and his son went on to become “best friends” down the road… A fan of “pimp” Bill Clinton, he performed at an event during Barak Obama’s first inauguration, he supported Mitt Romney, has often said he’s like to get a beer with “cool guy” Barak Obama, and has been critical of the Republican party for its more traditional positions on abortion and gay marriage. He’s referred to himself as “more Libertarian” in the past. But throughout most of career, and even his more recent support of Donald Trump and MAGA movement, Bob has always been a proponent of calming down, cracking open a beer, and hearing each other out. In a recent conversation with Bill Maher, the well-known liberal talk show host and comedian who’s been one his party’s most vocal critics, Kid Rock reiterated that his entire career has always featured all kind of kinds. Maher referenced his 2022 song “My Kind Of Country,” which kicks off with a line about having room for both Donald Trump and JFK. With RFK Jr. now being the confirmed as the Health and Human Services Secretary, Bob joked that he should’ve wrote RFK Jr. in the song, to which, Bill asked: “Is he the last Democrat you liked?” And then, Kid Rock gave a little history on him and his band: “I mean, my whole business is Democrats. I mean, so to speak. Not my whole business. You know, I live in Nashville now, but that’s the world I’ve operated in for years and years. I mean, half my band’s, you know, liberal, gay, or black, or this… you know? We have one of the most diverse bands out there. Not because of any of this DEI sh*t. Just because they’re the best at what they do, and we all love each other and get along.” That last line was met with pretty thunderous applause from Maher’s decidedly liberal audience. But honestly, I don’t think people realize that. The people who hate Kid Rock for his politics think he has an all-white band of MAGA Republican men… not the case, never has been. He continued: “I also played Barack Obama’s inauguration. I didn’t vote for him. I played for him at the Kennedy Center. You know, this, that, and the other. I’m like, everybody’s just got to calm the f*** down a little bit, you know what I mean?” NEW: Bill Maher’s audience CHEERS as Kid Rock drops a surprising take on getting along with Democrats. BILL MAHER: “Is [RFK] the last Democrat you liked?” KID ROCK: “I mean, my whole business is Democrats. I mean, so to speak. Not my whole business. You know, I live in… pic.twitter.com/JUuiD8Mt8b — The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) February 15, 2025 Kid Rock being the voice of reason right now? Shocking as it is, a number of people seem to think so. Strange times when Kid Rock is a voice of reason. — Rachel (@rachelkmcintyre) February 15, 2025 When Kid Rock is the voice of reason something is either terribly wrong or terribly right. USA! USA! USA! — Danny Shannon (@texsurfin) February 15, 2025 Who would have ever thought Kid Rock would be the voice of reason. — Wendy (@wens404) February 15, 2025 I never thought I would say: “Everyone should grow up and listen to what Kid Rock just said.” — JoeSmoe (@Browncoat_Joe) February 15, 2025 Kid Rock is proof that you can work with all kinds of people and still reject woke nonsense. The media pushes division, but in the real world, people just want to do their job, respect each other, and move on. — TechSignals (@TechSignalsonX) February 15, 2025 I cheer for getting along, too. Let’s do more of that, my humans. — CharlieOscarCharlieOscar (@CoCoDeSoFlo) February 15, 2025 The post “We All Love Each Other” – Kid Rock Says Half His Band Is “Liberal, Gay Or Black” first appeared on Whiskey Riff.