Trump's Exit From NATO, Depopulation & the 10 Global Regions, All On Track, Just as Planned
Trump's Exit From NATO, Depopulation & the 10 Global Regions, All On Track, Just as Planned
March 12, 2025
The Bolsheviks were a Creation of the City of London Ruling Elite. Churchill and FDR Handed Stalin Eastern Europe on a Silver Platter.
The Cold War Was a Lie. A PSYOP to Control the Entire World. Thus the Existence of NATO is Also a False.
What we are facing is NOT Cain and Abel, but Cain on Every Side, Waging a Secret War Against Humanity.
Everything is Controlled by the True World's Richest. The Real Oligarch's, Trillionaire's who Rule From the Shadows. The Own the Globalist NWO and the Politicians of Every Nation. They Control the Evil Alliance, Russia - KGB, Israel - Mossad, CIA - USA, the Jewish Billionaire Oligarchs, the Jewish Russian Mafia, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, International Banksters, International Mega Corporations, Silicon Valley Technocrats, the Military Industrial Complex, Medical Industrial Complex, International Main Stream Media News. They Own the Entire Establishment.
There is No Way in Hell that the UK and EU can Take On Russia. So are they Suicidal? What if they are Trying to Destroy Their Own Nations and Kill Off their Own Population to Intentionally Destroy Everything to Build Back Better into the UN 10 Global Regions? To usher in Global Governance and the Digital Beast System Control Grid Worldwide.
If Trump is Attempting to Create the North American Union, what makes you think he is not also helping to Create the Entire 10 Global Region Global Enslavement System???
AIM4TRUTH: Q+ clearance: British Provoke WWIII March 11, 2025
Wretched Watchmen - Prophecy Misfits Podcast 3/11/25: Get Outta DOGE
There is much more worth seeing in this video - Link Below:
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NATO's Plans To SACRIFICE Europe For US Hegemony | Dr. Jonas Tögel
Feb 5, 2025
Neutrality Studies
[Part 2 of 2] @DrJonasToegel, in his new book "War Games: How NATO and the Pentagon Simulate the Destruction of Europe", reveals the incredibly brutal scenarios NATO uses not only to prepare for an attack but also to accept the deaths of millions of Europeans in order to "win" in their own simulations. The madness that emerges from these publicly planned scenarios proves the insanity of an entire caste of elites who should never have come to power and must be stopped. YT Channel of Dr. Jonas Tögel: @DrJonasToegel
The book in German: https://www.amazon.de/Kriegsspiele-Pe... (no english translation available yet)
REVEALED: NATO Targets Its OWN Population With Cognitive Warfare! | Dr. Jonas Tögel
Feb 4, 2025
[Part 1 of 2] Scientist Dr. Jonas Tögel demonstrates in his book “Co