function Wo_Ajax_Requests_File(){ return "" } function RunLiveAgora(channelName,DIV_ID,token) { var agoraAppId = '72929948b13a4987be1c9dfa15f6d94b'; var token = token; var client = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode: 'live', codec: 'vp8'}); client.init(agoraAppId, function () { client.setClientRole('audience', function() { }, function(e) { }); let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); client.join(token, channelName, rand, function(uid) { }, function(err) { }); }, function (err) { }); client.on('stream-added', function (evt) { var stream =; var streamId = stream.getId(); client.subscribe(stream, function (err) { }); }); client.on('stream-subscribed', function (evt) { var remoteStream =;; $('#player_'+remoteStream.getId()).addClass('embed-responsive-item'); }); }

Recipe of the Week:

Recipe of the Week:

The following recipe for Rice Croquettes is from SurvivalBlog reader Mrs. Alaska. She writes: “These are fast, easy, and tasty way to use up leftover meat and vegetables. These croquettes can be deep-fried or pan-fried.” Ingredients 1 1/2 c cooked rice 1/2 c flour 1/3 cup shredded cheese 1 TBS melted butter or oil 2 eggs or 5 TBS powdered egg + 5 TBS water Directions Combine ingredients. The texture will between a dough and a batter. If too dry, add water or oil. If too wet, add more flour. Add in some combination of the following, in the proportions … The post Recipe of the Week: appeared first on