#medicaltyranny Being Used To Attack The 2nd Amendment
#warroom with Owen Shroyer LIVE: Senior FDA Officials Step Down Over Deadly Vaccine Controversy
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#fdanotapproved #medicaltyranny
Sorry but t seems like people still falling for the lieing democrats an there lies.So I will state it again. Here goes.This is a good saying for stupid libtards that bow down to there master that tells them what to do. Its better they leave here with kitty cats an puppys. I bet if there master told them they could see hell if they stick there face in the fire they would. Because there so dam stupid to realize they got a demon sticking out there ass. Holly miss molly I got a live one. Plus it never was about Covid. It was all planned to usher in the NWO. The vaccine what created by sissy boy Bill gate an sissy boy Fauci. They both sold out to the illuminati an they serve there master Allah Satan. So wake up people
Report: Covid Booster Shots Blamed for 4 Nursing Home Deaths, 7 Hospitalizations
"The US Food and Drug Administration announced the resignations of two top vaccine officials on Tuesday, and reports said the two were leaving in anger over the Biden administration's plan to roll out COVID-19 booster shots before officials had a chance to approve it...."
#fda #biden #vaccine #boostershots #covid19 #health